Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 461 - SHE MISUNDERSTOOD


After getting hired, Tristan has to go to the HR department for the formalities and legal procedure. Seeing this opportunity, Cayenne told Elena to come along with him and give him a tour of the company and orient him about a lot of things.

With her heart beating so fast, Elena stood up and ushered Tristan out of Stefan's office. "Did you bring some valid IDs with you?" She asked him when they entered the elevator.

"Yes. Jill told me to bring them. I think she was very confident with me getting accepted here."

"I don't think it's because of friendship that you got hired but your capabilities. Since you said you ranked first in the world of hackers, that means you will be a great help. In fact, we always asked help from sir Shein before." Elena stated with just few things she knew. She didn't really know what kind of help they needed but she heard Stefan a lot of times before, telling Chris to call Shein about this and that.

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