Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 440 - SECOND CHANCE

Chapter 440 - SECOND CHANCE

Thirty minutes later, the meeting was ended with the approval from the shareholders. Although there were some who disagreed with his project and didn't choose to invest, Stefan didn't care about it. As long as majority wins, he can always find someone else to invest on his project.

He went back to his office with Elena and right outside his door, two men were standing, eyeing each other up. One was looking in disdain and displeasure while the other was looking with confusion and helplessness.

"Get inside." Stefan stated as he strode inside. He placed his personal laptop on the coffee table and received his work-related laptop from Elena. "Sit down." He told these two men without looking at them. His tone of voice already showed it wouldn't be a good conversation. He looked expressionless but the way he spoke can send a chill down someone's spine. He's very cold.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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