Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 376 - THEY'RE HOME

Chapter 376 - THEY'RE HOME

Cayenne and Stefan arrived first in Peach Wood because Martin and everyone suddenly got stuck in a traffic on their way back. There was an accident on the road that they were trying to pass by and it caused a heavy traffic.

"I was planning that we should go and shop with them later but given that they traveled for a several hours, they must be tired. Let's just postpone our plan and do it tomorrow. Is that fine?" Cayenne asked Stefan while looking at the school brochures that Stefan handed her.

They were sitting in the living room with several school brochures that Stefan gathered for her to look into and choose a school where she can transfer and finish her degree.

"I don't really mind." Stefan answered her. His hand was resting on her shoulder as he pulled her in a warm embrace. "You're always considerate."

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