Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 350 - TEEN LOVE II

Chapter 350 - TEEN LOVE II

Clarisse just sat quietly while Luiz worked on her. After removing her glasses, he lifted her chin and looked at her face, and his eyes stopped at her eyes. The two of them looking into each other's soul.

'Oh! God! I don't want to show her best self to everyone.' Luiz thought while looking at her. He turned to look at the side and coughed drily while Clarisse felt like wanting to hide her bashful expression.

"Can you face the other side?" Luiz asked and she followed it. "Do you have a comb?"

"Are you going to style my hair?" Clarisse asked while looking inside her sling bag to get her comb.

Luiz leaned closer and smelled the fruity scent of her hair. She smelled so good. You wouldn't know that they've been to different places today because of her scent. "Just so you know, you're the second person I do an exclusive hairstyle. First was my sister and now, you."

"What about your mother?"

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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