Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 35 - STEFAN'S SORRY

Chapter 35 - STEFAN'S SORRY

After having their breakfast, Stefan called the taxi driver instead of calling Chris. It was daytime and he was worried that his car will be very eye catching during the day. Many people knew about his car and even though there were other people who owns the same car as him, it would be easy to narrow down the owners of the cars since there were just a handful of them.

It was already a blessing that Jessie, one of her colleagues who went to the hospital last time, didn't know about Stefan's car since he had been asking Chris to park it at the basement. If she knew about it, she'll have an easy time to deduce everything and find Cayenne's connection to their boss.

Stefan gave Cayenne the dark shade he owned and the baseball cap that she used when they went to the grocery store. She needed them to hide her identity. The two of them were waiting for the taxi driver in the living room. They won't go out unless the driver is there already.

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