Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 280 - TAKING PRECAUTIONS


The next thing that Kirin knew when she woke up, was that her son was gone. She tried calling him but her calls weren't going through. Either he turned off his phone or he blocked her. Panic rose from the bottom of her heart and he started calling Cole. Her eldest son was rational and always calm when dealing things. She knew that she can count on him.

Cole was finishing up his work in order to go home and be with his family. He didn't like working overtime so as much as possible, he'd finish his work before the end of his shift. He was about to close his bag when he received a call from his mother. Although he had cut ties with them, Kirin was still the person who gave birth to him. He didn't have the guts to ignore her but he already made up his mind that he won't go back to them.

He picked up his phone and answer it. "What is it that you want this time?"

"Cole, your son is going crazy!" Kirin blurted out in a moment of panic.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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