Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 266 - I WANT TO PAY FOR IT

Chapter 266 - I WANT TO PAY FOR IT

Since Jonas was finally free, Cayenne and Stefan took this time to shop for his clothes and other necessities. After all, it's been fifteen years since he stayed in the prison and most of his things were gone.

"Cayenne, I want to work." Jonas told Cayenne while they were choosing some shirts for him. "I don't want to depend on you."

"Just take a rest for now. You can find a work after Luiz graduates this year." Cayenne responded knowing that it wouldn't be easy for someone who came from jail to find a work. "I'll find a place for you to stay in the meantime. You cannot stay in my house yet since Kyle and Luiz would come home and they might bump into you. Our surprise will be ruined."

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