Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 241 - PROBLEMS

Chapter 241 - PROBLEMS

Cayenne took a taxi to Senyu Medical Hospital. She urged the taxi to go faster but they couldn't go beyond the speed limit which made her feel more anxious as time went by. She clutched her bag as tight as she could, as if it was giving her the strength that she needed the most.

'Lord, please don't let anything bad happen to my mom. Please don't take her yet.'

She prayed silently while wiping the tears off her face. She tried to calm herself but the nearer she was to the hospital, the more nervous she felt.

As soon as they reached the entrance, Cayenne handed her fare without waiting for a change. The driver called her again and again but she never stopped to get it.

"Luiz." Cayenne called her brother's name when she reached the emergency area. The room where her mother was sent to still has a red light on and her brothers were waiting for the doctor at the lobby. "What happened?"

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