Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 221 - TUSCANY

Chapter 221 - TUSCANY

When they reached Italy after a long flight, Stefan persuaded Cayenne to sleep more while they're inside the car but because of so much excitement, her sleepiness was gone.

"This place is really pretty." Cayenne commented while looking outside the car window. "Their hotels here must be expensive."

"Of course." Stefan replied to her. "But we won't be staying in a hotel so you don't need to worry."

"Where are we staying then?" Cayenne asked in wonder. She knew that they'd be attending his cousin's wedding but she didn't want to live with them. First, she didn't know any of them. Second, they might not like her. Instead of putting herself in trouble, it would be better to avoid.

Stefan noticed the small frown she had on her face and he massaged it away. "What are you thinking? We will be staying in my property." He told her to give her an assurance. Faint it maybe, he still noticed the sigh of relief from her mouth.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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