Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 197 - THE HONEYMOON

Chapter 197 - THE HONEYMOON

As the night grew darker and the city lights grew brighter, Cayenne's heart was thumping so loud in her ears. She felt a little bit nervous with what's going to happen to them. 'Bless me O'Lord.' Cayenne prayed mentally while looking outside the window. When they got home, she stepped out of the car without waiting for him to open the door for her.

"Are you that excited?" Stefan teased her when she got out of the car.

"Hn. I'm excited to sleep." She retorted with faint snicker on her lips. "Let's just get inside. It's a bit cold here outside."

Stefan followed her inside the house and Cayenne thought that they'd be doing it in bed. How would she know that the moment the door was closed, Stefan would pull her close to him and kiss her? She didn't expect this at all.

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