Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 154 - GIVING UP

Chapter 154 - GIVING UP

The two of them left the doctor's office and went to the parking lot where Chris was waiting for them inside the car. The moment they stepped inside, Chris handed them his tablet and showed the information that Shein got from his quick investigation.

"William Obcial." Cayenne rolled this name in her tongue and found it unfamiliar. "Who is this guy?"

Chris started the car as he spoke. "That's the name of the man who paid your mother's bill. Are you familiar with anyone who's got that name?"

"No. I don't remember anyone with that name. And besides, why are there so many of these men with the same name? You couldn't find which is the right one?"

"No. I asked Shein to investigate on it since he's more capable than I am when it comes to networks and connections and he's got more connections than I am. Also, when I asked the nurse, they only left his name when he paid the bill with cash."

"With cash?!" Both Stefan and Cayenne asked at the same time.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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