Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 127 - KYLE'S HAPPINESS

Chapter 127 - KYLE'S HAPPINESS

Cayenne watched her brother left to chase after his classmate, Kath. Even without proper explanation, she could tell what was happening between them.

"So, how did you end up knowing their affairs?" Cayenne asked Luiz who was busy sipping on his drink, unbothered.

He swallowed what's inside his mouth before speaking in nonchalance. "The two of them were very close ever since Kath transferred school in high school. When they chose their course in college, she took whatever Kyle wanted and she studied hard to go to the same school as him."

"And what was that last chance you're talking about earlier?"

"Oh! That?" Luiz grinned.  "I lied."

"You lied?"

"Well, part of it was a lie but one part was true. It's true that Kath had been thinking up of giving up on Kyle. She asked me to create a chance for them but if Kyle won't do anything for their relationship to progress, she'd give up. But I lied about her leaving to different city."

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