Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 123 - OH MY GOD!

Chapter 123 - OH MY GOD!

"I don't want him to know." Cayenne interrupted their conversation when she got back. She was holding a gift bag and gave it to Chris. "Merry Christmas. That's from your boss."

"The lady boss chose it." Stefan added to give the credit to Cayenne.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, Ms. Ardolf." Chris accepted the gift and bowed his head slightly. 

Stefan just nodded his head in acknowledgement while Cayenne was blushing by his side. She didn't expect her to address her as lady boss. She didn't even think that way.

"Can you tell me what's my task today, sir."

"Go home and take a rest. Let's see each other on Monday." Stefan told him which made his secretary very happy.

"Thank you, sir. If there's something you need, just send me a message."


This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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