The next morning, when everybody began to wake up, I was already waiting with three piles of sorted crystals. According to my math, there were 2 384 170 points stored in them in total.
- Early bird catches the worm - I said to those people, and waved towards them to get closer.
They had to immediately get what I meant and rushed to form a line.
- Use the device, and check how many points you will need to get your health back, then return to me, so you can get the correct amount. No cheating! No fucking around! Hopefully, there will be enough for everybody - I spoke the instructions.
The first person in line followed immediately. Around ten people in the process, I was fairly confident that the amount per person would stay around 50k, but it changed. A few hours later, we had already a few big fluctuations with the prices going down to even 20k but also rising to almost 100k.