The AI head popped above the destroyed arena.
- I would like to also announce... - It started translating.
- Be quiet - hissed Katri Xel Avakadaisu.
This caused the widget to disappear, and the sound was cut short.
- It's mistranslating anyway - explained Atri. - I will translate batter. He said that you are the winners of this tournament, and after submitting the results to the High Queen herself your race will become a part of the glorious Ixan empire. He also said that he will advocate for Sabhetani patronage over your race for your quick development and further expansion through the cosmos and many worlds. He congratulates you for a wonderful display of power, unshakeable resolve, even despite shameful mistreatment from the Dispurian empire, showcased in many instances through petty tricks on the battleground. He says that it's the first time he saw such a display, and he would be honored to support such an amazing species.