Blue and his group stopped just next to our allied forces. With Aisha and the rest, we formed something like a very small and tight circle around the device.
Then he stepped out. He was focused, very serious.
- I heard there was a fight between our men - he turned to Hatta. - I would like to know the details.
- We also would like to know the details - replied Hatta. - Does anybody can tell me tho started this?
- It started over a spilled drink. Your guys were just eager to turn this into a fistfight. They demolish my club. I want repayment for that.
- I heard one of my men died. Is that true? - Blue kept asking like he didn't hear Aisha's demand.
- We stopped the fight, but some of your men just wouldn't back down. They attacked us, and I killed one of them - said Nobuo.
He was surprisingly calm, with one hand on the handle of his katana.
- Who was the one to spill that drink? - Blue turned to Aisha.