Even with all the talks during the previous day, we ended up hunting as usual. Will promised to start discreetly looking for Blue.
Bushido accompanied us. Boris and his men also joined for the first time. After a short conversation, I found out that he actually at the beginning didn't want to force Nobuo and his men to share crystals with his Bratstvo, but eventually had to make the decision. Moods in his group were going bad without constant access to some hunting ground.
With such a large group, the morale was low. The spot was too small for us all. We headed out, clearing the path all the way to the cave, which went smooth, and then we parted ways. They continued clearing the territory outside, while we went underground.
A few hours later we finally reached the silver door, took a bit of a rest, and started the final battle. The fight with Will's participation was way easier compared to yesterday when I took the werewolf all by myself.