Alfraed underwent an intensive crash course with Garett, the Prime Minister, who meticulously outlined the nuances of engaging in conversation with the king. Garett emphasized the importance of maintaining the correct posture—standing tall yet relaxed, with an air of respectful confidence. He detailed the precise moments for Alfraed to interject with thoughtful replies and the ideal times to respectfully pose questions, ensuring the conversation flowed smoothly.
"Wording is crucial," Garett reiterated, his eyes gleaming with conviction.
Garett also highlighted the delicate balance of eye contact; too little could be seen as dismissive, while too much might come off as challenging. Alongside these verbal pointers, he provided a treasure trove of other etiquette rules, each contributing to a graceful and honorable interaction with the monarch.
"Let me show you an example," Garett proposed, his tone shifting to one of demonstration.