"In this world, we make all beings equal in terms of our ability to think and our emotions. We eliminate everything that is physical so that you can understand what we are going to say." The angel said in a wise human tone, even though our speech is very similar, that is, the shape of the human body that glows white.
The angel flew up to me and floated to my right. I guess his feet flew as high as my knee, which I also floated on the surface like clear water and a short grass area like in the middle of the endless savanna with a blue sky as the roof, there was only me and the angel himself in the middle of a quiet place without a sound and there was only silence but it reassures the heart.
Then the angel raised his hand and pointed his finger forward, parallel to my eyes. His fingers were like touching something invisible followed by a sound like drops of water, then the sky in front of me was surging like the boisterous water and an image like a video projector appeared in the sky.
"Long ago, God only created one race of beings, namely angels, as the only inhabitants of heaven, including the universe."
"Then one day, God created a small planet called earth, where there are all kinds of plants and animals in heaven and even some specifically created for the planet."
"An archangel named Azazel wants to live on earth, he hopes he and his follower angels become the only occupants. But God created a new creature assigned to live on earth, the creature is human."
This is known by Azazel and made him and his followers angry, they protested and rebelled against God. The war in heaven is very powerful and lasts for thousands of years, the war does not involve humans and only between angels who obey the gods' decision against dissident angels led by Azazel.
"God finally intervened and drove both types of creatures that the cause of wars and also the other one who disobey the god's order out of heaven."
Man is directly sent down to earth, armed with the physical abilities and intelligence given by God. Whereas Azazel and his followers, because of the great obedience to God, their punishment is commuted and at the request of Azazel they are sentenced to dwell in a realm which is one with the planet earth and contains exactly the contents of the earth but is in another dimension of the earth. That place is called the unseen world, located between Hell dimension and the mortal dimension the world of humans.
Time passes millions of years, and human descendants live on earth with ordinary physical abilities. On the other hand, dissident angels do not have physical appearance anymore but have very powerful magic power, and they are known as the Djin, devils, and so on. But the desire to rule over the earth is still embedded in their heart and mind, they cannot go out into the human world with their astral form, so they persuade humans to use their power and call them to the world, at the expense of souls instead.
One of the loyal followers of Azazel, namely Lucifer managed to get out of the unseen world and fly up to heaven to steal the holy gate (Watu). He succeeded in stealing the holy gate and bringing it to earth to open the doors of the two worlds, this was faster than what was written in the book of destiny and we had to intervene because of this.
"What you see and what will destroy a part of the earth is not the meteor you imagine, but it is the holy gate."
"We have entered into an agreement with them, the djinn not to interfere, millions of years ago."
"But we must break that rule in order to save the earthly creatures that are loved by God and balance the power of both sides, fallen angels and you humans."
"With this I, as the representative of the great angels and intermediaries of the commands of God, bless you, O people, to be able to control natural energy and special knowledge and a body that is stronger than the current normal humans and can withstand the power of mana later on."
"You can become stronger if you practice, but become weaker if you are just lazy."
"Remember one thing, Pursue knowledge even to the end of the world. Science and knowledge is the best provision to face life, and do not forget God's mercy."
"I wish you all the best, O' human children."
"See you again in the afterlife."
Then the angel flew around me and stopped in front of me. The angel raised his hand and opened his palm as if pushing me from a distance. Something shocking happened, and the notification screen reappeared just like what I experienced before meeting an intermediate angelic form.
"Awakening process begins."
"Preparing objects to be awakened." Suddenly my body lifted up and something like an electric current hit my entire body until I felt like I was electrocuted and stretched my body.
"What is this, ouch ... I feel like I'm electrocuted, it hurts but doesn't feel at all."
"My body is shrouded in lightning bolts which are very small and snatched ..."
*Phase 1: Reconstruction of body tissue.*
*Phase 2: Reconstruction of the materialization of the body.*
*Phase 3: Reconstruction of body parts and alignment of elements.*
*Phase 4: Reconstruction of the memory system and knowledge space.*
*Phase 5: Reconstruction of the final compatibility.*
"Returns the object to the original stage."
"Begin the transfer process."
My body suddenly evaporated like parts of my body were boxed like a hologram and slowly disappeared. I returned to my original position where I stood among millions of other creatures who were similar to me, but this time the number of them reduced drastically.
"O, Humans!" Suddenly there was a thunderous and echoing sound, making all the creatures in that place fall to their knees and shiver in fear.
"We have intervened and this is something that you have to solve yourself."
"We have blessed you, and we sealed this knowledge deep in the bottom of your soul. Learn so that you can unlock your greatest potential."
"We will erase all of your memories of your experiences in our world. But we leave a few memories for the chosen people."
When fear mounts and the last words are spoken, suddenly ...
"The blessing process is ended."
"Starting the final alignment."
"Shutting down the system."
My eyesight closed and went dark, like a monitor screen that was turned off with remote control. There is only darkness enveloping.
"Mother father!!"
Slowly I open my eyes...
- To be continued -