Stefan called Leonid yesterday about Uncle Charles claims.

Stefan and I had a hearty conversation before we have fallen asleep.

"My love, I wanted to know about your opinion and thoughts about Lada as the Heiress? Did Irina mentioned anything about your past? or did she give you something before she died?" He looks at me sternly. "My love, I don't care if you're a Heiress or not, but I wanted to know the truth " he said while we cuddle me in bed.

" Your Highness... I know that my position as the Heiress is at stake but I'm still happy being with Lada. She is precious to me. Yes, I remembered Nana had given me a gold necklace with an egg pendant with a letter along with it. She ordered me to give it to Uncle Charles. I have it inside leather hand bag. Wait... I'll get it for you!" I disengaged with Stefan and rushed to the dresser and took my bag. I took the necklace and give it to Stefan. "Here it is.. Your Highness! Hope this will help in identifying my identity."

Stefan took the necklace and inspect it closely. Then, I open the egg pendant for him to see the surprise inside.

Stefan is stunned by the bullet inside the egg pendant.

It arise his curiosity and asked" My love, where is this bullet coming from? "

I show him the bullet mark in my right shoulder.

" Your Highness.. this is the scar made by that bullet. I remembered so well that night... I'm five years old that time. We are very happy and excited for the coming of the Christmas Eve. We are at the hearth room. Maxim played the piano and Annika played the violin. My father, Tsar Dimitri carried me in his lap while we are singing Christmas songs. When... " and my voice falter.

My tears keep falling down.

" Hush now.. My love.. It's ok" he hugged me tight.

"Tomorrow, we will be having an assembly with the members of the Privy Council about the bethronement of Mikael and Lada. I'm glad you showed me this necklace. I hope..we will have more evidence to present to the Council. Leonid is now searching for other proofs of evidence to support our claims. I know... I feel it My Love.. You are the real Heiress. You are the Last Heiress of Oblonsky!" and cuddles me in bed.

Then, we drift to sleep.

The next day after the assembly.

Stefan meet me for lunch in the dining hall.

He looks distressed.

We chat a little bit and he told me about his urgent travel.

Then, he bid goodbye and left for his trip.

Its been a week now that Lada and I enjoyed our time together after the long separation.

We painted, we wrote journals, roam around the Vattern Gallery and playing chess board game.

And Princess Sophie always accompanied us.

Since Stefan and Mikael were out for the week for some important travels.

The Grand Palace of Dothinghelm is very busy lately, in preparation for the coming Betrothment Party for Mikael and Lada.

Today, we will have our visitors, the famous hair dresser and dressmaker in Europe to prepare us for the event.

We are in the Chamber being fixed by the hairdresser when...

A knocked on the door interrupted us.

I reached the door, a maidservant bow down and said "Your Highness.. Princess Lada has a visitor." then she moved to show Aunt Galina on her back.

Then the maidservant left.

"Aunt Galina?!?!" I am surprised. And Lada rushed to the door while her hair still unfixed.

"Oh Aunt Galina!?!?!" Lada hugged her immediately.

Now, she's sobbing.

"Hush now.. My sunshine! Mikael fetched me the other day. And he told me about everything. I'm very happy seeing you alive and in great condition." she said with tears in her eyes.

The day passed by quickly with our hairs fixed and dressmakers took our measurements including Aunt Galina, Princess Sophie and Queen Evi.

All of us are settled.

They left me in my room to ready ourselves for dinner.

But.. the whole day seems awkward ... Aunt Galina doesn't take any regard of me.

Is she mad at me? I'm feeling frantic about it.

She's aloof and unresponsive.

I have freshen up and readied myself.

Then, as I walked out the door... someone bumped on me.

And carried me in his arms.

I shrieked on top of my lungs.

And he whispered "Hush.. Hush... My Love!" "Your Highness!?! Oh you frightened me!"

He continued to carry me in his arms up to the dining hall.

Everybody's eyes widen as Stefan carried me to the dining.

King Sven, Queen Evi and King Charles are stunned along with the others.

Then he helped me stand and ushered to my seat next to him.

Stefan kept holding my hands.

King Sven cleared his throat and said "Good evening everyone! Our dinner is quite special today. We have our visitor, Galina, the aunt of Princess Lada. Let's enjoy our dinner! He signaled the butlers to served the food.

Seven courses of meal were served.

While we were eating...

Estefan suddenly moved closer and whispered in my ears "I have a surprise for you My Love... O how I missed you so much!"

My face turned red and feeling awkward with all eyes on us.

And I choked.

Stefan immediately took a glass of water and helped me drink.

"Are you ok, My Love?"

I nodded.

"Your Highness... Let's complete our dinner first!" I muttered. My heart is delighted.

O How I missed you Stefan! My heart and my brain cried out.

"Yes, we will... Hope your ready for my surprise! he said cheerfully.

We completed our meals and Stefan grabbed my hands to helped me stand up.

" Are you ready.. My love? " Stefan asked impassionedly.

I nodded.

Stefan asked permission to leave and we started walking.

We walked down the hallways to the Banquet Hall.

Then, we walked up the grand staircase.

And entered into a luxurious ball room.

I halted.

" Your Highness... we need to breath." I'm gasping.

He flashed his broad smile.

I could feel his excitement.