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The Friendly Neighbourhood Hero: Spider-Man

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 0 - Pilot

"All men aren't born equal."

Izuku learn this lesson when he was 4, and not in a very good way.

Musutafu; Shizouka Prefecture, Japan

July 26, 2274

"That's so mean, Kacchan, Izuka. How could you both do this? I thought you guys want to be a hero."

In the middle of the afternoon, we can see a messy, green- haired, 4 years old child, defending what is seem to be bruised and injured, blond-haired, 6 years old girl.

The messy, green-haired boy is our main protagonist, Izuku Toshinori. he wears a simple white t-shirt with blue short-sleeved hoodie, black short pants with multiple white lines on each sides.

Izuku's expressions were fear, anger, and determination.

The blond girl who were covered with bruises, injuries and burn marks is Melissa Shield. She wears red shirts with blue jeans. She keeps holding her  injured left arm while wearing expressions which is fear, hurt, and sadness.

Right in front of them were a group of kids. An ash-blond spiky hair 4 years old boy wears a permanent scowl on his face,  a blond curly haired 4 years old girl with heterochromic eyes , and a red and white haired 4 years old boy also with heterochromic eyes. The blond curly haired girl wears hatred and jealousy expressions, the red and white haired boy wears an apologetic  expression and a look of pity.

The ash-blond haired boy is Katsuki Bakugou, the leader of the bullies, with the member consist of Izuka Toshinori, the blond curly haired girl, and yes, she's related to our main protagonist, and last member Shouto Todoroki, the red and white haired boy.

"I'm putting that girl in her place, a place as same as you, a quirkless nobody."

The blond haired boy snarled angrily, with the 'quirkless nobody' said in such venom which 4 years old kid shoudln't use.

"Yeah, she deserved that. The quirkless has no place in this world."

Izuka said it with a hint of anger, and hatred. Directly to the other blond haired girl.

"This is not how heroes act, they protect people, not rutelessly beat an innocent bystander because he/she is quirkless. If anything, you both deserved the title villains!"

Both frozed at the broccoli haired boy. They didn't expect such words come from him.

Izuku was smart for 4 years old kids. Hence how he speaks like most teenagers who learn more words. And he was far more mature than kids his age, judging by his words.

"How dare you!? Who the hell do you think you are!?"

One thing that Izuku should've expect, is that his bullies didn't like  to hear Izuku badmouthing him, especially if he was called a villain.

"You're just a quirkless nobody, how dare you try to tell me if i'm a hero or a villain!?!"

He growled while punching his left arm, which caused an explosion. Izuka follow suit by using her quirk to create a boxing gloves made out of pink psionic energy, and Shouto joins them by activate his quirk, create ice from his right palm, and fire from his left shoulder.


Izuku was found laying on the playground floor, beaten up and covered with burn marks, black right eye, torned hoodie and t-shirts, his tooth fell off.

Melissa was no better, her wounds get worse and her t-shirt was singed, but not turned to ashes. She sits next to Izuku, try to help him to get up slowly.

"You're one reckless person, cuz. I've seen a lot of heroes, but none of them are as reckless as you."

She start to scold her cousin and he slowly gets up while holding Melissa's hand.

"But, thank you. No one does half the things you do." She added.

"No problem, cuz. I just do what heroes should do."

Izuku said while giving her a goofy grin, a big mistake since not only his cheek feel the pain, and he got smacked on his head, courtesy of Melissa.

"Idiot, you can't be a hero if you're dead or crippled."

Melissa scolded him again, but this time with a worried tone.

"Sorry, cuz. I'll try to be less reckless."

Izuku told her with apologetic tone.

"Don't make a promise you can't made."

"What do you mean by that? I can keep that promise."

"With that attitude of yours, sure~."


They continue to argue while walking out of the playground slowly.

9 years later

11 January 2283, Japan.

Aldera Junior High

In this world, there are people with an extraordinary power within their bloods. It was started at the beginning, 200 yearsin Qingping, China, a glowing baby born during that time, shocked eveeyone in the hospital and gave the baby's father a heart attack.

No one knows how this happens, and then, another babies borned with different powers. Over the years, 80% of the human population have the powers scientist name as Quirks.

Quirks became a normal stuff in society, a lot of people start using Quirks for their daily jobs and stuff. But, in doing so, villains start to pop out across the globe.

The government started to put the rules about Quirks. Like one of them how the quirk is illegal to use, causing the society became more normal. And the government start to apply rules, which cause the borns on Heroes.

Heroes are group of people who do their jobs by protecting other people, community service, capturing villains, and ensure the civilians that they are safe.

Heroes became common 50 years after the exist of quirks. Nowadays, we can see them around the streets.

It was a peaceful morning in Aldera Junior High. We can see that a group of students  within the age range of 13 - 15 were walking towards a school bus. In the group, we can spot Katsuki, Izuka, and Shouto walking towards to their seats. The other student start to moved away from them.

In the span of 9 years, those three kids made names for them. The Big Bad Three. They were known to be the strongest out of all kids in school, including their upperclassman.

Katsuki had grown into 5'6", he had a toned muscle on his upper part of his body, his ash-brown spiky hair still similiar like before, and wearing a smug smile on his face. He became more arrogant and cocky over the years. being praised and compliment for his quirk, Explosion and his intelligent (which is surprising if we see his face and attitude.), he thinks himself to be the strongest.

Izuka had also grown over the years, she grows to 5'4" tall in 9 years, her messy curly blond hair were tied in ponytail style, putting a smile across her face. She became more beautiful like her mother, the number 5 hero in japan, Psylocke. She was leaned, but in truth, she actually quite well built for a girl. She like Katsuki, were praised for her quirk, Super Telekinesis, and her intelligent. But unlike Katsuki, she didn't get cocky or arrogant. She was loved by the whole boys in school for her look. She even gets 2nd in the unofficial School's Beauty Contest. Apparantly, she always lost the first place no matter what. Izuka may be a bully, but deep down, she cares about Izuku. She afraid that due to Izuku is quirkless, he will die if he keep pursuing his shared dreams to be a hero.

Shouto also grown in 9 years, his height is around 5'7", his red and white hair are still the same. His face consist of burn scar on his left eye, wears a neutral expression, but his eyes keeps the hidden fury towards someone (I wonder who). He grew colder towards everyone after he backs to school with his scar. but acts normal around Izuka and Katsuki.

They both sit next to each other, conversing something unimportant to today's event.

While talking, we can see the blond haired girl, sitting behind them, looking at the bus window, waiting for someone.

Thsi is Melissa Shield, she had changed a lot since she was 6. Now 15, she stood out at 5'6", wearing glasses, a bored look on her face, she had a well toned muscle underneath her school uniform, but not bulky enough to be noticed.  She had to learn self defence due to her lack of quirk, her father, David Shield, lets her learn martial arts so that he wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. She had become more beautiful that she keep the title of The Queen of Beauty, hence why Izuka keeps ended up in second, which kind o annoyed her.

'Where is he? I swear the bus is gonna leave if he didn't came.' She thought

Over the years, Izuku and Melissa had become closer than ever. Due to their lack of quirk, they hits off easily. They were so close that strangers will mistake them as siblings, which made Izuka pissed and envy.

After everyone sans Izuku enters the bus, the teacher starts saying,

"Everyone, stay on your seat. The bus will be moving now."

Melissa's train in thought were interrupted when she hears the teacher's announcement.

"Wait, wha-"

She doesn't have a chance to share her thoughts when the teacher said

"Start the bus, sir."

The bus starts moving.

Melissa started to panic. Her cousin hasn't arrive yet. Her panic gone worse when she heard "Stop the bus!!!"

She look at the window and saw a green haired boy running, catching the bus. The students start to laugh at this, the teacher and the driver even start chuckling. This keeps happens for 3 minutes.

The laughter stops when Melissa start to get up of her seat, walk towards the bus driver and grip his shoulder very hard while she speak in low, and very dangerous tone.

"Sir, i would like to appreciate if you stop the bus, so that my cousin can get in. Please!?"

The student sat in silence, wide eyes look at her. Even the Big Bad Three were shocked at her tone. The teacher and the driver stop chuckling and gives a fearful smile towards her.

The bus stops and the door open. The green haired protagonist enters the bus. Over the years, he had the drastic change compared to other people. He stood 5'11", well toned muscle for an althlete, his green hair isn't as messy as before, but still messy. He wears glasses and a backpack, filled with who-knows-what. He was panting, some sweats over his forehead.

"Izuku, you're finally arrived." Melissa said with a cheerful smile, which scared everyone with her sudden change of personality.

"Sorry about that, Lisa. I didn't expect my parents to left me while drive Izuka to school"

"sigh... not again.."

It was no secret to everyone that Izuku's parents neglect him. Ever since the announcement of Izuku being quirkless, they start to ignore him.

They start to walk towards their seat, with everyone still scared of Melissa's demonic personality.

When Izuku sits, he started to remember where all begins.

Flashback, 9 years ago

"Come on, mom. It's time."

We can see that our 4 years old protagonist dragging a woman's apron while jumping in joy.

"Slow down, honey. Daddy isn't home yet."

The woman whose speaking is Inko Toshinori, 34 year old green haired woman. A house wife, who'se secretly a pro hero, Psylocke, and a mother of twin children.

"But, mom. I can't wait anymore." An excited 4 years old Izuka joined in.

Inko could only giggle with their antics.

Patting their heads while giving them warm smile.

"I'm sure that he'll be b-"

"I'm home."

They heard the voice and turn around and see 40 year old blond haired man. This is Yagi Toshinori, a father of twin children and secretly number 1 pro hero, All might.

"Daddy" both 4 years old shouted.

"Alright, you two, who's ready for checking their quirks."

"ME! ME!! ME!!"

Both parents laughed at this. Inko said "I'm sure both of you gain amazing quirk."


Musutafu Public Hospital

"I'm sorry, Mr and Mrs Toshinori, but your son is quirkless."

The statement shocked the family to the core.

Inko found her voice and said "W-what do you mean quirkless?"

The doctor replies "It's as i said, according to our blood and dna test, as well as x-ray, we confirm that your son has no quirk factors like most people."

" But that's impossible." Yagi said

"Let me ask you both, what are both of your quirks?"

"I can use psionic energy to telekinetically moves an object or create an item, my husband has minor strength enhancemenct quirk."

"Your son was supposed to gain either or both of your quirks. According to world's quirk specialist, usually dna or blood will gives sign of quirks exist and a person with a quirk has one toe joint in their pinky toes. But our x-rays show us two pinky toe joints. I'm sorry."

"What about Izuka?" Inko decided to ask.

"Well, unlike her brother, she has a quirk combination of both her parents. She can use psionic energy to move things, create items or boost her strength."

"You hear that girl? You're gonna be a great hero." Yagi said.

"YAY!" Izuka cheered.

Both couples and their daughter left the room, completely forgot their son. The doctor could give him an apologetic looks while the kid start let loose some tears. His parents even forget that he's with them in the first place.

His dream was crushed and he loss his parent's love.

The Next Day.

"Did you hear the news?"

"Yeah, Izuku is quirkless."

"Wow, sucks to be him."

"Right? He really is a Deku."

The news of Izuku being quirkless spread like fire in a forest, it is where the hardship begin.

Present time

Shield's Lab - Musutafu, Japan

Ever since then, he experience bullies, neglect, unfairness from his teacher. His neighbour couldn't help but felt sympathy towards the poor boy.

They help him by educate him, teach him, and help him whenever they can. Izuku learns how to cook, clean dishes, read, write and draw from them, and he is forever grateful for them.

"Welcome to the Shield's Lab."

Now, we can spots our protagonist and his cousin along with other students were looking around the labs.

The tour guide brought everyone to the specific location where there's a cage consisting group of unique coloured spiders.

"Here, we can see these groups of spiders. They were tested by our scientist to see that if we can give quirks to these spiders. So far, they are still alive."

Both Izuku and Melissa were interested to hear this topic.

"We were planning to see that if we can do this without side effects, so that we can give one to the quirkless."

"Cool!" Izuku couldn't help but said

"Of course you said that, you're quirkless too."


"Even these spider were more useful than you and your cousin, quirkless Deku."

The other students start laughing at him. The teacher didn't even hide his chuckling

However, they were stopped by the tour guide.

"I suggest you stop laughing your friends, or otherwise i'll stop the tour."

Everyone stopped laughing and look at the tour guide with surprised expression. Izuku and Melissa didn't bother to hide their expressions.

"50% of our scientists are quirkless, and our top scientist had invented a chemical that will made you all quirkless. So, i suggest you choose wisely your next word towards your friends. Or not, they will completely erased your quirk permanently."

"You can't do that, you bastard."

The tour guide gave Katsuki an unamused look.

"Actually, we can. The government funded us to made those as the heaviest punishment for any criminals. They would be very excited for anyone to be a volunteer for our project. And I think that using it at you first would do at least half the globe a huge favor, judging by your attitudes towards your classmate."

Now, the students and the teacher were wide eyes, horror expressions on their face. While Izuku and Melissa giving an awe reaction and silently respect the tour guide at stop their laughing.

"Now that's over, you all can look around for 30 minute, then we will continue our tour."

The students start to scatter in fear and walk towards other sections, while Izuku and Melissa stand there, all by themselves.

"Are you both alright?"

Both kids turn their head, surprised that the tour guide is giving them a concerned look.

"W-we're fine, sir. Thank you."

Izuku is the first one who find his voice to speak.

"Yeah, thank you, sir."

Melissa added

"Your welcome, i hope you enjoy looking around the lab." The tour guide gives them a genuine smile and walks away.

"That man is nice."  Izuku couldn't help but said.


Unbeknownst to them, a camouflaged spider with number 42 on its abdomen were crawling on Izuku's shirt. And it reaches to his neck. The spider starts to bite him.


"Izuku, what's wrong?"

"I-i'm fine, Lis."

Izuku keeps holding his bitten part of his neck. Accidently, he knocks the spider to Melissa's foot. And it bites her.


"What happened, Lis?"

"Something bits me."

"Wait, you too?"

"'you too'?"


They keep talking without noticing the spider starts to crawl on the floor while slowly dying. It stopped moving and turned to ashes.

Later, Toshinori Household.

Izuku can be find laying on his bed, exhausted. He seems to be having a fever. He had just came back fron tour and for some reason, he didn't feel so good.

Since his parents never cared about him, he can enter his room without being noticed or disturbed by anyone. He was panting, sweats started to pour the poor boy's body. His vision started to turn black as he fell unconscious.

And that night, Izuku never felt so much pain in his life.

Same time, Shield's Mansion

The same experienced can be felt by Melissa. Her father heard her scream and ran towards her room.

"Melissa, what's wrong?!?"

"I-it hh-hurts, p-pPapa..."

Melissa weakly spoke

"H-hang on, Melissa." David said, try to calm her down.

He brought her to the medical bay, David start to scan any difference in her body with body scanners.

"Nothing is wrong with her what cau-"

He stop his train of thoughts when he saw what caught in his scanners.

"What the fu-"

To be continued.