Q: Do wearbears live in cities? Do they live in caves? Are they modern?
A: No, They could, And Kinda
Residences and Homes-
Werebears love the old way of things. They like to build their own houses, install their own things, and make progress without outside help. There are many different Werebear camps that differ. Some live in old style villages while others live in luxurious hand built houses. Some werebears even go to human collages to learn to build. They usually don't go to human highschools tho since the reservation usually has a school. Some werebears do live in the city. Those werebears are ones that either grew up as an orphan or have decided to try being normal and side with progress. When Werebears do this they usually still group together. The more aggressive ones create gangs and the kinder ones make communities that Humans can join. Werebears that mingle with humans try to keep their werebear side a secret however. Which is hard since they hate lying.
It really depends on the community. Some like keeping the old ways and ban modern technology. This ritual is dying out tho. Most have modernization since it makes life that much easier. Still, even with this modernization they are big on physical health. They will always put fitness and tradition ahead of Technology.