"I hope the length of this parlay will not dampen its usefulness," the village man began. "I am the leader of the people you see behind me." The leader said emphasizing with his hands turning from the heathen only for a moment. "My people are not the gods you hate so much and like all mortals, they will freeze and starve." The leader continued now looking up at the sky, "I wish to push them through this land to the oasis of Havengal before any path is blocked." The leader now fell silent.
The heathen smiled at this. The man before him had not only made a request of him: to allow him and his people to pass, but he spoke with an urgency of him that made the man giddy with every stubble of words. He would not have to look far for other signs of weakness of him, his stature, or the men behind him he held in such high esteem. In this mindset, he began his own portion of the parlay.
"Is it not important to introduce yourself to such an appearance." The heathen spoke in a heavily accented voice.
The village leader responded with a short quip, usual to himself, it was quick and to the point, though it was spoken with a never before present quake of the voice, "My name... is Joseph."
Unsheathing his short sword from his hip he moved it up slowly to the village leader's neck. Pushing aside the wool of his coat he dragged from his neck a small cross. "Joseph the Christian, now Joseph that we are properly introduced, a Christian as yourself will surely be traveling with holly men."
Joseph could not respond to this it was all he could do not to curse himself for his luck, there was no way he could have know of the armies identity, but he felt as though he should have been prepared, because of him all of the people in front of the heathen were to perish.
The heathen saw the man's face turn dark with realization. He peered over the man's shoulder again at the men the leader had so happily presented at the beginning of their parlay. "Now Joseph it seems as though those men are armed, ready for battle."
It was true many of the men upon seeing the silhouettes of the army grabbed what little they had and with a sum of confidence gathered from hunting wolfs and deer presented themselves to the parlay.
The Heathens accent left as he spoke, "I will show them battle Joseph." This was the last thing he said before, cutting the crucifix off the man's neck turning and walking confidently back to his men.