After turning off main menu music Chris tried to play the game and when trying to play the main Mode called competitive notification popped up saying he needed to be at least 3 level and that he Could level up with different modes
There are 3 modes in total: Competitive, Arms Race, Deathmatch
Chris played both modes and he liked the arms race way more
Arms race is a Mode where after getting 2 kills with the same gun you switch to a new gun
First you start with submachine guns in short smgs
Smgs are weapons that deal less damage but fire fast and don't need that much skill because you
Can move around while shooting and it will still shoot wherever you aim which is not the case for The most weapons
After going through smgs you go through rifles this weapons are the most used guns and need the Most skill in the game you need to either stop or crouch until shooting or bullets won't go Wherever you will aim
After that you go through snipers which are pretty much self explanatory
After snipers you go through machine guns which are the most unused weapons they are
Really bad you can shoot fast with them and they have many bullets but you move really slow with Them and also they don't do that much damage
Then you go through pistols which are self explanatory as well
And finally if you go through all the weapons and you get a knife which is the weakest weapon in The game because it requires you to get close to the enemy and stab them twice
And if you manage to do that arms race ends and you win and if someone else does it before you They win
After playing loads of Arms race Chris finally managed to get level 3 and now was able to play Competitive