You’re not a monster! You’re a hero!

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Today is the day that yet another baby was born in a world full of hero and villains that strive to take over the world to either protect or destroy it so another one can rise in its place without the quirk-less ones in their way.

A mother is cradling her baby girl making her totally count of children 5 making this one the last one for the rest of her life seeing how gorgeous her little angel will be.

"Suya, you're are gonna be a great hero one day" she said gently stroking her child's cheek with her finger seeing the great potential she has to make it as far as the incredible hero all might.

"Don't waste your breath! She's just gonna end up as useless as the rest" a man said hearing the mother taking to her newborn seeing her wrapped up in a fresh pink blanket.

"Richard! This is your daughter please don't say that" the mother replied back to the child's supposed father yet she looks nothing like him at all.

"I have some plans special things in mind for this little one" he said before snatching the child out of her hands seeing that the baby was gonna cry not smelling the mothers scent in him at all. "Don't cry! If you do then you're just as weak and pathetic like your brother!" He yelled as the baby began to cry louder catching nearby doctors attention before he quickly gave her back to the mother.

"It's alright mummy is here" the mother said calming down her child beside looking back at her husband not happy. He looked back at her making her cut the eye contact and look at the baby instead.

"When we get home I'm bringing that child straight to Scorpio if he knows what future she's gonna have" he said I'm a cold tone giving the poor woman no choice but to let him take her despite him being quirk-less but without one he was still as dangerous as she was with a quirk.

Suya's dad waited 2 days for his wife to be discharged from the hospital so he could take his daughter and bring her to the company where some scientists could examine and do tests on her seeing if she would ever get a quirk than waiting to see if she does in 5 years.

"Sir, your daughter does show possible signs of gaining a quirk but we are unsure of which one since your wife had a transformation quirk or mutation we don't know but they're giving us some interesting results" a scientist said to the man as his child was in a separate room that only separated them between a glass widow as he watched how she was probed and poked with needles something a newborn shouldn't experience.

Hours passed and the mans daughter was haven back to him with bandages in her arms and legs to cover cuts and hole that were on her body due to the amount of blood they wanted.

"She is strong and has a 50% or higher chance of getting a quirk when she turns five" the scientist said as he began to get an idea. The father was a cold hearted man who was two faced around family and friends who don't know about his business with Scorpio so people take him as a nice gentleman who loves and cares for his family.

"I have a favour to ask if you" he asked the scientist as he was all wars ready to hear the heartless plan he had in mind for his child. The scientist's jaw dropped surprised that he would go through with such a thing especially with a newborn being so delicate and weak.

"But sir can't we wait until she's able to walk, she too fragile and might die due to the drugs you want us to inject her with?" The scientist replied going against one of the rules not to do to a worker at the company. Richard clenched his fist as his daughter was in his other arm ready to raise his voice to the selfish person who actually had the guts to talk back to him.

"I gave you an order?! Now do it!" He yelled giving the child straight to the scientist again for something more different while he headed back home to his family until the tests have yet again been done.

Suya was carried into a dark room which quickly lit up revealing a dissection table where they placed her on it before bounding her innocent limbs to the side not allowing her to move incase something goes wrong with the drugs.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?! Especially to a newborn?" A scientist protested against him but it was no use he already tried to change the fathers mind but he only got the man even more mad.

"I tried but he already made his decision, let's just get this over and done with" he replied back to the him as he sighed knowing that the things he was gonna do were sick and they can't do anything about it. The tests went for hours and nothing seemed to be afforded child yet which was showing good results but they yet to check up of her to see if her state has even dropped of rised.

"Remind me again why we are forced to work for this sick man?" One scientist asked to another making their way to check on Suya to see if anything has changed and yet nothing did but she had a fever which wasn't good especially when her temperature kept of rising so immediate action was taken as they gave her some medicine to slow down the pain and uncomfortableness the child was going through.

"Why did I agree to this?" A scientist asked himself watching the child as the doors opened allowing a little someone to come inside. "Oh, master summer and yusaku what bring you here?" He asked surprised to see them down here when summer is supposed to be in kindergarden, if she wasn't then something bad must've happened with the boss while dropping her off.

"Summer just wanted to see the little one what just came in that all" yusaku replied allowing summer to see the newborn and how beautiful she looked resting in the scientific crib before noticing the bandages on her.

"Why does she have bandages? Does she have boo boo" summer asked as curious as a 3 year old would be and as precious as a ancient relic.

"Oh, it's just to keep her warm that's all. Yusaku would you take her back up stairs we have some more ahem to do with Suya" the scientist said giving him the hint as he sighed before going over and picking up summer taking her out of the infirmary.

Mothers PoV:

"Where is my baby?!" I yelled at my husband as he sighed not wanting to talk to me. He was just as spineless as I first met him before being forced into a marriage so my family could have money to feed themselves. He didn't care about anyone but himself and his selfish needs for power and money.

"Like I said before non of your business woman!" He yelled back at me the usual way he normal did but I was already used to it as my 1 1/2 year old son was playing in front of he but he didn't mind it because he was partly death due to his father with yet again with his experiments failing in everyone of them. I want him to change and give up on those dreams of having a child that actually had a useful quirk besides having mine but I only have to wait 4 years for my son to turn 5 to see if he actually had a quirk.

"Mama" he said as I sighed looking at the little mountain he made with his plastic bricks with his gorgeous smile and hopeful eyes of a bright future knowing that he had the potential to become something amazing one day.

2 years later!

No one PoV:

Suya is now 2 going into kinder garden and already making friends due to her bandages which brought attention to the other students.

"Why are those in you?" A girl asked pocking at the bandages before Suya pulled them away not wanting anyone to touch them.

"Papa said I'm not aloud to remove them or I'll be grounded" Suya replied as the laughed at her thinking that she was playing but she wasn't so she sat in a corner curled in a ball all alone at break and lunch.

"Papa was right I am useless" she said to herself as kids played in the background while teachers watched them play but nobody cared to see Suya since he spent most of her time in the dark corner alone.

"H-hello?" A voice stuttered as a boy with green hair noticed that she was alone in the corner giving himself courage to go near her.

"What's you want?" Suya relied not wanting anything To do with the boy and stayed faced away from him. Another set of footsteps were heard rushing to the green haired, he was blonde and had red eyes in adorable clothing that his mother probably made him wear. He wanted to see why his friend was so curious and came over here before noticing Suya too.

"Hey! Why are in the corner are you the new girl?" He asked as Suya said nothing but look at him with the corner of her eye but he didn't seem fazed but it but he could be pretending to be fearless. "Hey I'm talking to you!" He said again as it seemed to make her stand onto her toddler feet and face to him licking eye contact like her father would to scare her.

"I'm Suya , now go away" she said wanting to be alone but the green haired boy hid behind the blonde one scared of Suya being very scary.

"I'm katsuki bakugou! And I ain't scared of you!" He delis as Suya sighed not really wanting to be friends with him but he had guts and was way brave than the others her age.

"Fine....what can I call you?" She replied still looking him in the eyes staring at one another for quite awhile. Bakugou smirked interested in her and her attitude at the moment.

"Kacchan! He's called kacchan!" The green hair boy exclaimed obviously a bit frightened by Suya's glare.

"Shut up deku!.... you can call me kacchan" he relied not really liking that he was talked over my the boy he called Deku which was a weird name for a little kid.

"Cool but why Is he called Deku?" Suya asked Linda suspicious on why Bakugou called him that name as I sounded very different and interesting.

"I call him Deku! That's the end of it" he responded back at Suya as she sighed grabbing a soft ball throwing it at him making the little bakugou mad.

"I hate bullies!" She yelled continuously thrower balls at bakugou who used his arms to prevent any of them from hitting his face while deku rushed to get a teacher.

"Stop it!" Bakugou yelled as a teacher came rushing in grabbing suya's wrist pulling her away from him as she knew that they would end up ringing her father or mother due to this.

Suya got lucky when her mother picked up and agreed to take her home to prevent anymore fighting but she didn't want her daughter to miss out in her education and decided to visit the preschool to speak to her daughter personally.

It took her mother 5 minutes to get there in her hero uniform to arrive through the doors seeing that her daughter was in the naughty corner surrounded by wood little fencing sat on a stool facing a wall in the dark miserable.

"Suya okalina! I heard that you were trying to pick a fight?" She said but Suya didn't move or say anything as she sighed going into the naughty corner and went to the direction she was facing and kneeled down to her height.

"Go away I want to be alone I'm just a failure" Suya said to her mother who seemed shocked of the response her daughter gave her knowing that it was her fathers doing.

"Don't listen to your father, you'll be an amazing hero one day!" She said trying to cheer her up while bakugou watched afar hearing how supportive her mother is and that she wanted to be a hero too.

"But kids here poke at my bandages and think I'm weird" Suya replied trying her best not to cry as her mother placed hands on her shoulders.

"No matter what happens I want you to promise me that you'll keep smiling!" She said as Suya looked up at her mother a bit better looking into each other's eyes.

"I promise, I'll try my best to smile" Suya said making a promise to her mother that she'll keep smiling no matter what happens in her life just for her mother.

Her mother quickly left to go back on patrol again as Suya was allowed out of the naughty corner seeing that bakugou looked at her with like there was something on her.

"What?" She asked as he snapped out of his daze before walking towards her with the confidence he had before.

"Wanna be friends?" He asked before hiding out his adorablely small hand as Suya looked at it before shaking it.

"Okay" she said back to bakugou as the teachers watched how Suya began to make a unbreakable friendship with a highly confident child.

3 years later in preschool and some kids were either 5 or soon turning 5 meaning that someone in the class with get a quirk or be quirkless. Bakugou obviously had a very interesting quirk as he had little explosions coming out of his hands as Suya watched amazed at it loving that her friend had a very beautiful quirk.

"Do you have your yet?" Bakugou asked Suya as she shook her head no making him pout a little before seeing that izuku didn't get his either.

Suya and deku were obviously bullied for having no quirk at the time but things can change when you're late at getting it. Bakugou seemed to protect Suya sometimes depending on who decided to pick on her.

As 2 weeks passed Suya came to preschool usually alone as her mother dropped her off before going on another Patrol again and with fresh bandages showing that she paid another visit to the scientists because of her father.

"Looks like Suya still is a quirkless nobody!" One of the mean kids said picking on her knowing that bakugou isn't around to back her up this time. Suya began to feel pain in her head and torso as she dropped onto her knees causing teachers to rush Over to her knowing that his isn't any ordinary pain she was actually getting her quirk.

"Oh I wonder why it'll be?" The female teacher said as she saw wolf looking ear and tail pop out but was it really a wolf but they didn't care they looked amazed as Suya looked at them breathing heavily as he eyes diluted then went back to normal again. The teachers awwed at the sight of how cute she looked with her quirk until she raised her hand releasing a huge explosion ending one of the teachers back into a wall knocking them unconscious.

"I'm sorry!" Suya exclaimed as children came in seeing that a teacher was unconscious and Suya had ears and tail while holding her hand.

"Don't go near her! She's dangerous!" Another teacher said backing some of the kids back but bakugou was able to push through a head towards her.

"Did you make that big explosion just now?" He asked as she nodded not every happy that it came to this while he sat down with him interested looking at her ears seeing that they were fluffy.

"Katsuki!" A teacher yelled for him to move but he didn't he just stayed by her side until something else happened.

As the teacher over dramatically moved the kids from the room Suya was in the unconscious teacher woke up seeing how scared she was while Bakugou sat beside her showing his loyalty.

The teacher didn't panic she stood back up onto her feet before heading towards the two that sat on the floor nearby knowing that one of them needed to be comforted.

Before anything could happen suya's dad came through the door seeing the mess on the wall and Suya holding her hand seeing that she had her Mother's quirk just like his youngest son.

"Suya okalina!! You monster!" He said grabbing her by the hair dragging her outside very disappointed while bakugou watched in horror not knowing what to do.

"Let her go!" He yelled still in the kinder garden room shaking scared on the man that took his friend.

"Whatever" he said before taking Suya away by her will and back home to give her the true meaning of fear.

Suya's PoV:

As father opened the door I could feel the fear pumping through my body as he went through throwing me inside as my brother saw me behind thrown knowing that I was in trouble so he hid away so father couldn't see him beat me.

"You are monster! You love hurt people don't you!" He said as I bearly was able to sit myself up when he full on punched me in the face which was gonna leave a bruise.

"I'm sorry papa!" I exclaimed as I curled into a ball to protect my face as he continues to beat me with his hands and feet as a kid my age wouldn't dare fight against him with the power he has despite being quirkless.

"You can only speak unless you're spoken too ungrateful brat!" He said as the last blow hit my back before leaving the house not caring at all of what or who saw him beat his child as Jirio came from the back of the sofa to check on his sisters well-being.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he helped me up and took me to my room which was in the attic and at least was decorated and had some stuff in it like the others. Jirio helped me sit on the bed after the struggle on the stairs.

The day ended with me stuck in my room with Jirio as we talk and talk staying out of our other older siblings way since they aren't any different than are father.