Chereads / Black Magic: A Love of a Witch / Chapter 5 - A bite out of a Royal Knight

Chapter 5 - A bite out of a Royal Knight

(WARNING: Blood, gore, and death.)



When I finally touched him, Dad immediately hid me behind him. He heavily pants out breath after breath while giving me the evil side-eye. His face was very dark and I could tell from his expression he was mad. I couldn't help but frown at myself.

I only did it to save him. Why's he so mad?

My eyes shift to my father's frowning face and he barely spares me a glance after that. Gone with the happy-go-lucky atmosphere and here is this stoic, daunting man replacing my loving dad!

It's not enough to completely understand what's going on, but I do know that I have made a grave mistake that Dad has to answer to.

I swallow.

The sound of another whips' vicious 'thwack' echoes in my ears, and this time, it's me who's hauled away.


My arm is searing with agony from the protruding glass that circles the ends of the whip.

"Let go!" I scream.

My eyes swell with forbidden tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. I look to Dad to see his crestfallen expression. He calls for me, reaching with both hands, but I'm too far. I reach for him as well.

The glass embedding into my skin jerks me back and all I have left are memories of painful faces. The red blood gushed down my arm from the wounds.

Nissa holds Asha back from running forwards to my aid. I barely spare them a glance when another harsh jerk is tugging me back towards the Royal Knights.

Instead of panicking like I saw Dad start to do, I decide to face the bully head on.

I grit my teeth and use [Viper Swipe]. I manage to run right up to the knight whose holding my arm hostage and severely injure him with my [Tiger Claws].

There's no way I'm allowing this piece of scum to take me anywhere away from my parents!

I toss and turn, jerking back with the whip and forcing the Royal Knight to separate from his horse. I hiss from the wounds along my skin as I jerk the glass out. I couldn't leave dad by himself.

Gritting my teeth, I take off in a zigzag formation and strike [Claws of Wolverine] directly towards the fallen knight's comrades.

I hope to be lucky enough to carve out their eyes or blind them, but I have bigger problems.

My dad suddenly casts [Lightning Bolt] and a stark yellow form of electricity fizzes in his hands. My eyes marvel in wonder.

Dad conjures one after another, paralyzing several Royal Knights in the process before Miss Selia steps in from behind. I spot the tears rushing down her face and my heart momentarily stops beating.

I hope Sangria is okay..

Miss Selia casts [Venus Trap].

An enormous flower stem grows from the dirt, the plant resembles a pink lotus blooming atop the bud. Within seconds, the bud spreads open and out pops a hundred teeth of sharpness. I blink for a moment.

I knew Miss Selia was a flower witch, but I never would have thought such beautiful weeds could cause such a torturous death.


I watch in pure amazement while the seven foot tall flower takes a bite out of a Royal Knight. Several lines of blood splatter across the entrance to our village, even soaking the dirt he stands on. The sword that has yet to be drawn clatters to the ground with a hand still latching to the hilt. His lower body falls to the ground, the teeth marks from the flower's recent meal still enhances the stomach structure. Some of his intestines were left behind, spewed out along the dirt.

My eyes widen.

Two more Royal Knights protest, and race after Miss Selia and Dad, only, Dad has summoned [Hammer Stone]. It's a a blacksmith's hammer with a massive piece of stone, nearly the size of a wheel of a carriage, used as the head. Dad pounds the [Hammer Stone] into the ground, which causes everyone standing to shake from the earthquake.

The ground moves from the power behind my father's hit.

Even I can't stand.

Dad and Miss Selia are rejoined by Miss Penelope and Gerald, shooting their aims directly at the stubborn Royal Knights. Our fight still didn't end when Gerald forms [Hurricane Rinna] and sweeps the Royal Knights off their feet. They drop from such a great high that I can hear the spatter of their innards when they drop.

My eyes search for Mom, terrified she's hurt.

Or worse!

I couldn't help Dad like I wanted without getting in the way, and Asha, Nissa, and Atticus are hiding within the nearest huts with the others.

I couldn't stand here and do nothing!

I'm all ready hurt. I've all ready faced these foes, but I don't want to be a burden...

That's it!

Activating my [Black Out], I turn my opponent's sight off and channel my [Cheetah Dash] to strike the Royal Knight with [Venom Fangs].

He falls to the ground, crying hysterically.

Pride swells in my chest but I don't have time to act on it. I run after another Knight and blind him the same way. Instead of attacking quick, I focus all my force into my palms and strike a powerful [Tiger Claw] into his back.

At the same time, Novoli, Nissa's older brother, steps out from the shadows and blasts his hands towards the knights with [Spiral of Lava]. His body flails around in the dirt before completely subsiding from the effects.

I turn and dash off, but I'm stopped before I can take one step.

"Ravyn!" Novoli shouts, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back with the others?"

I pout for a moment before shrugging off his hand. Novoli uses a super hard surge of power and blasts three nearby Royal Knights coming towards us to smithereens.

"I'm not going! I'm wanna help!" I demand and stomp my foot, blinding two more oncoming knights with gleaming swords.

Novoli uses this chance to strike them down with his own [Flaming Sword of Blue Fire]. His stark golden eyes turn to me with a fierce vexation.

I innocently shrug with a smile.

"What? You almost died if I hadn't of done that," I answer nonchalantly.

I wanted a 'thank you,' but I knew Novoli wasn't capable of something like that.

So, I settled for his scowl.