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Chapter 1 - Journey's Dawn

There stood an unknown figure in front of what looked like a throne. Surrounding them were many polished columns of marble each adorned with intricate carvings.

Facing what looked to be a throne, the unknown figure bowed briefly.

After straightening himself, he began to speak.

"I am here on a mission of the utmost importance. I do not wish to fight you any longer. Submit to me and become my vassal, or you can face me in combat."

There was a brief stirring on the throne. An untrained eye would miss it but, the figure seemed to have noticed it.

But it wasn't caused by affirmation.

No, the brief movement was that of anger.

"Let us see who will be defeating whom, yeah? What is this dead man's name, hmm? I wish to inscribe it into your gravestone, so your stupidity is not lost on history," said the young girl."

In this large room, these words echoed into the ears of every person nearby. these words, laced with anger, resounded throughout the throne room. Although every single person in the room heard them, these words were for one person--the mysterious figure in front of the throne.

Although, the identity of this trespasser could be anything as the figure in front of the throne wore a cloak over their body and had a hood over their face. The only thing that was clearly defined was the sheathed blade at the figure's hips.

Could the figure also be male as well?

She couldn't be entirely sure but she recalled again his tone of voice and physique.

Although that wasn't enough information to go on such short notice, she needed some information on this mysterious figure.

That much the young girl in the throne could deduce. She could tell these things. These eyes of hers forged through intense training would not fail her. Not before she could win back her homeland, at least.

The young man's sudden arrival made her angry, if not just a little. She knew that if he got to the throne room, some of her precious guardians might have perished fighting him. That's what made her a bit wary of him.

Suddenly her frown turned into a smirk after rethinking the situation. Indeed, this expression would be quite unbecoming on a young girl like herself, but it seemed to be well suited. Besides, a beauty such as hers would not be marred by such a simple devilish grin.

The young girl sat back upon her cobalt throne. The light shining off of it seemed to make her pale skin glisten upon reflection. The young girl seemed to be in her mid-teens at the most. Though, the presence she gave off was that of a fierce beast that has experienced many battles. Many lightly colored jewels adorned her body and seemed to glow with radiant energy. These jewels seemed to be quite beautiful as were the young woman those jewels adorned. The jewels seemed to go quite well with her dress. Her raven-black hair, which made it down to her shoulders, seemed to have been cut by a weapon. A sword seemed the most likely. It left her hair frayed or uneven in some places.

The Queen's attire attire seemed to have been made by a very skilled seamstress. Her dress seemed to consist of fine purple silk and laced with ribbons at each end. It seemed to also help accentuate her curves quite well. Some areas of the dress seemed to have been laden with thin plates of hard but malleable metals. The light seemed to bounce off them and reflected a brilliant shade of colors into the eyes of the beholder. There were even hidden pockets to hide small weapons or containers. But, one would have to closely inspect the dress to find those. It certainly was quite a beautiful attire.

The girl's face was youthful and fair. Her bosom seemed quite ample when compared to her thin frame. Though her eyes were partially covered by her bangs, one could still feel the intensity of her glare upon them. Using the word beautiful to define her would not be enough to describe her, but it is the most fitting. Though behind all that beauty is malice, this world has yet to see. This girl is known as the "Daughter of the Spider," the female Head of a mysterious clan of people descended from one of the first Great Families. Though this clan had fallen from the grace of the Gods centuries ago, the group still yet lives on in secret. Though, not what they once were, this clan is now left to this young girl to lead in her mother's absence.

She had the aura of a natural-born leader.

" I ask once again, knave! Who are you? I am the Queen of this territory. To walk into my domain without even knowing this would be a disservice to all the fools I've killed who did know of me and ventured through regardless."

The young man she was referring to was shrouded in not only a cloak and hood but mystery as well.

What fool would delve into another's territory without so much as a proper introduction? At least the guest should have the decency to show their face. Not only would they have to be well informed to make it into these underground ruins but would need the proper strength to make it past the guards stationed here as well. It would seem at least some information could be gained from this mysterious traveler.

The young girl thought this over as she gazed upon the figure in front of her.

"I only wish to garner those with strength and bring them into my fold. Your power? Is it self-proclaimed or known by all?"

In a low but firm voice, these words were spoken to the girl that sat on the throne.

The stranger's face held a look of calm and assurance, though no one could see it. It was something I and the others could infer from his tone of voice and way of speaking.

It seems they were making a jab at the Queen.

I felt my anger start to flare up and I brandished my weapon towards the figure even though there was still a bit of distance between us. I still couldn't stay quiet at them for possibly insulting my liege.

That is how I felt but it could have just been his tone of voice?

My Lady didn't seem to see it this way. Though she could feel their intent gaze looking at her through their cloaked figure. As if gauging her response, they stood there patiently.

Her highness finally gave the cloaked figure an answer.

"Every fool until now has known it. Why are you so different? Are you just some novice who cannot even tell the strength of others, or are you just a fool?"

She wore a proud face as she lashed back at him.

Who does he think he is?

These thoughts were one of many that seemed to surface in her mind.

"I came here at the request of a trusted ally because I wanted the leader of this domain to add to my own power. Nothing more, nothing less. Now... May I have your answer?"

She smirked.

She already knew her answer.

"So a fool it is. Kill him, you lowly servants of mine! Do this for me, your master!"

A group of figures stepped out from behind the columns around the room.

They seemed to be about twenty or so feet apart from each other in this well-lit cavern. There were torches placed on each column and along nearby walls. Each column seemed to be at a distance of a few meters from each other.

The throne and its surrounding area are the most lit area in the cavern. Although, if you were actively looking for something, you might be able to find it without too much trouble.

A group of armed figures stepped out as one from behind their respective hiding places.

They were each adorned in dark cloaks and some held daggers in one hand and a small shield in the other.

They each pulled down their hoods, revealing that they were all, in fact, women. Judging from their faces, they were each pretty young as well.

One of the eldest looking ones pulled off their cloak, causing the rest to follow suit. It seemed the oldest ones were leading the younger girls. They stood in formations that had the eldest girls in front followed by the rest in tow.

Each girl wore some light armor, though the eldest ones seemed to have armor consisting of heavier but stronger materials such as metals.

The others wore what seemed like leather armor. The leather armor only seemed to cover every part of them but their faces and midriffs. There were only about 10 of them or so.

It seems like more enemies are lurking elsewhere...Maybe for an ambush or they may just be there just to wait and see. Either way, I should be on my guard and prepare for anything.

The traveler slightly peered into the abyss of darkness behind him to see where this bloodlust was coming from.

"I see you could sense them at least. Luckily, for you, they won't be joining us as they have other pressing matters.

She turns in the direction of the bloodlust and gives a small nod. The bloodlust behind the traveler disappears as if it never existed. She then turns to the five girls around the traveler.

"These are some of my top guardians. Today, however, they will be your executioners. You shall perish like the rest of the unwanted guests after me. Don't die too quickly now, will you?"

As if disinterested, she waved one of her hands briefly in the direction of her guards.

As if on cue, one of the girls quickly lunged forward without missing their chance to strike the first blow. The strike was swift and just as deadly. No normal person would be able to survive this strike, let alone dodge it.

She seemed to move as fast as sound with that one attack and did it from a mere few feet away. The dagger she wielded was small but still had some reach at this close of a distance. There were runes etched onto it as if these daggers were imbued with some hidden power. As he thought this, the runes on the knife glowed a bright blue. The runes had cast a bluish hue upon its wielder. The girl fighting him eventually became faster as she darted around the traveler.

"You won't be able to win against my speed. With this dagger given to me by our Lady's Broodmother, I will be the one to slay you. Whatever our mistress commands of us shall be dealt out swiftly without fail."

Saying those words must have set off something in the girl upon the throne as a sudden heat had begun to emit from the direction she was sitting in. Both the female warrior and the young man stopped fighting and turned towards the one exuding this fiery aura.

As if the temperature in the throne room had risen tens of degrees in that instant, the warrior in front of the young man began to sweat profusely.

The young man, surprised by the sudden change in front of him, looked towards the direction of this intense heat.

He had noticed the dark-haired girl on the throne. Earlier she was barely taking notice of the battle in front of her. But now it seems as if she was now glaring intensely in his direction.

But it wasn't at him, her enemy. But at the female warrior, who was facing him currently.

It seems the girl on the throne had suddenly shifted her gaze from the traveler to the girl fighting him after the sudden mention of a certain someone.

Her lips began to purse in anger. She began to bash the armrest of the throne with the palm of her hand. Upon further inspection, the armrest began to crack. Small pieces of it were broken off and sent flying in her intense rage.

"How dare you speak the name of my mother!? You!? You are but a lowly soldier, and yet you speak the name of a previous master before me so easily! In front of an outsider no less!"

The girl stood to her feet with great haste as if she were propelled from her throne.

"Step aside! After I am finished with him, there will be no recourse for you but your death."

The malicious girl standing in front of her throne had leaped from it in a flash. Decreasing the distance between each other in a mere instant. It was almost as if she were not there in the first place.

The armor-clad girl who was previously fighting the young man sheepishly bowed before stepping aside to let her master take her place. Each of the other figures soon backed away with great haste except one. It was the eldest girl in chainmail who looked to be the other girl's superior. She looked as if she wanted to say something.

"What are you still doing here!? I said I would handle him, and I meant it. Do you want to die as well, fool!?"

"Milady, I do not think it is wise to fight him by yourself. He has not even been touched since Squire Iota fought him. She even went out of her way to use the mystic rune dagger you gave her. Besides, are we not your trusted Flora Knights sworn to guard you with our lives?"

The young girl, though angered, still had the sense to keep her head in this situation.

She looked around at her, guardians around her. Most had their heads down, but she could tell they were fearful of her. She could be a bit short-sighted and quick to anger. These were the things she was always told to work on by the Lead Commander of her clan's warriors.

Though she always tries her hardest to listen, she always gets pushed to anger when remembering the previous Clan leader. The one who led their once-great clan to ruin: her mother.

Irritated by the thought of her mother again made, she once again resolved to make her clan great again. To that end, she must also strengthen herself and her people.

She turned towards the armor-clad girl in front of her with anger in her eyes.

"Hah, Guardians? You cannot even guard the way to the throne room. How can I let you all guard me when you cannot even guard my home. What a joke!"

She turned away from the girl clad in armor and once facing the young man, she spoke again.

"Now. You. Who am I making acquaintance with today, hmm?"

The young girl put on a fake smile as if to hide her earlier behavior.

The mysterious young man, though no one could see it, smiled back.

"Would you like to know my name?"

The young man knew the danger that would surely come with learning his identity. Only those willing to carry that burden with him should learn his identity. He steeled his heart and took a step towards the young lady who was referred to as Queen.

"Then I will ask again that you join me as I do not want harm to come to you. I will tell you only then." The cloaked young man held out his hand as if to show the girl he meant what he said.

The young man/stone was blunt and straight to the point. Although he couldn't properly convey everything he wanted to say, he still meant what those words he spoke. Sadly for him, he came off too blunt and his tone of voice made it sound as if he was threatening her. The young girl thinking he meant to provoke her with those words, decided to accept his "challenge."

"Ha, you harm me? Surely you jest. I will have your head for that. In fact…"

The young man slightly tilted his head aside. He thought what he said was clear and the thought never occurred to him that he may have sounded too threatening.

The armor-clad girl gasped in surprise. She hurriedly decided to take this chance to distance herself from the stranger in a flash. Figuring something was wrong, the mysterious young man turned to the young girl.

The young girl they called their Queen seemed to have been pointing towards the direction of the young man—her index finger aligning with the young man's head. The young man suddenly felt a nagging feeling at the back of his head. He leaped towards a marble column, then leaped again towards the right of it rolling before he came to a stop.

" Oh, you certainly are light on your feet. Do you happen to dance? I sure do love seeing fools dance, ufufufu~"

The young man continued to move around as if his life depended on it. Nothing seemed to be happening but him running and jumping around the room, never in the same spot for long. Eventually, the young man seemed to be kicking up a lot of dust. Honestly, from an outside perspective, he seemed to look like a kid running around crazily with all of their might and no real goal.

But is that truly what's going on?