It's been three days and Honey has not heard of Jiang Ru since the day her boyfriend received the letter. Whenever she calls him, the man would say he wants space to let out his anger. A retreat somewhere that the man doesn't bother to tell her. She decided to confront Zhang Wang Xiu and make the woman drop out of the apprenticeship by threatening "the snake" with legal action.
"Ms. Zhang Wang Xiu?" Honey asks the woman standing in front of a flower shop on the corner of the street and ordering fresh lilies.
"Ms. Tang Hiu Ying, am I right?" The woman inquires without answering the question that was meant for her to reply.
"Do you have time to talk?" Ms. Tang raises her brows, mimicking the woman's avoidance of answering questions yet she understands there was no need for them to tell each other's name. Without meeting personally, they are connected with one person. Bao Jiang Ru.