"You can't. This is as much as you'll know," Sir ZiL stated before tapping on a holographic keyboard.
Trrooiiinnn~ Zhrrrii~ Zhrriii~
The holographic squares began to disappear one after the other and returned back to the holographic file stationed by the side.
"Why don't you continue the research in secret?" Gustav questioned.
"Because I can't... First of, it's too risky, I don't want them threatening me again. Secondly, I just can't because the third and fourth quarter of my research was confiscated by the government," Sir ZiL stated.
"They confiscated it?" Gustav was surprised since Sir ZiL didn't mention this before.
"Yes, they really wanted me to stop. I was able to hide away the second quarter in another facility located in Brihuman City, but without the collective information from the third and fourth quarters of my research, it would be impossible for me to continue it," Sir ZiL explained.