Fenrir stood on the sand dune surrounded by frozen mist and ice as Beelzebub floats in the air watching his transformation.
"The all and mighty Fenrir, raging over some words." Beelzebub starts to laugh as the aura starts to push down on him like a weight on his chest. His laughter stops as he looks back down at him. "Hmm. This is different than what they faced back then isn't it?"
Fenrir's Lycan form slowly begins to change once more. Spikes began to grow from his spine, horns sprouting from his forehead while his fangs grew longer like a sabertooth tiger.
"Ah the Chaos fragments within you are starting to show finally." Beelzebub smirks as Fenrir shifts. The aura surrounding him slicing at the ground below like tendrils. Fenrir crouches into position for a second before leaping up at Beelzebub. Time seemed to have slowed down for Beelzebub as he watches the enraged Lycan leaping toward him, reaching his hand out and presses his palm against his chest feeling the Chaos within him. Time seemed to catch up at first then it stopped for the Glutton.
"You thought you angered me didn't you?" Beelzebubs eyes widen, however, the rest of his body would not move.
"This is the reason I absorbed the Fragments of Chaos. Not to strengthen my powers, but to enhance my abilities to slow down time. This is how I defeat you and the others."
Beelzebub felt as if he had hit a brick wall due to the time around him being drastically slowed down. All he could do was struggle to fight through it while Fenrir grows his nails out and slowly pushes his sharpened nails into the chest of the Glutton. Beelzebub could not do or say anything to attempt to change this moment.
The pain lasted for what seemed like an eternity until Fenrir allowed the time to return to the surrounding area. His hand gripping the Gluttons heart deep inside his chest. Fenrir rips it out and watches as Beelzebub the Glutton falls to the sandy dunes that sat below them. Watching as the corpse of a once powerful being roll down the dunes. He sighs and looks over to the battle of Apophis and Nightmare which had drug on longer than expected. The cloud of Darkness Apophis was fighting had transformed itself into a massive lion shaped body with a crocodile like head. A figure almost like Amit, an Egyptian goddess, but solely Darkness. Nightmare swiped left and right at Apophis as well as breathing a breath attack. However, Nightmare missed a detail as they fought. Apophis' powers were only getting stronger as he fought. His size slowly growing each minute the fight drug on. The serpent's eyes were glowing now as he opened his jaws wide to bare his now tower like fangs that oozed with an acid like fluid.
"Hmm. This may take a while." Fenrir said to himself as he slowly shifts back to his human form. The spikes retracting back into his flesh. He reaches up feeling his new horns still curved upward off his forehead. "I suppose these are staying." He glides back down to the dune below him and begins to walk towards Apophis and Nightmare, still watching the two when a change in the air happened. He stopped on the dune and glanced back seeing a dark hooded figure.
The figure walks closer to Fenrir, walking on air instead of the sandy dunes. "It appears I underestimated your powers. You have definitely taken a different path than I did back then."
Fenrir stares up at the being as he grew closer. "Who are you? And why are you doing this?"
"I am merely correcting a mistake a certain someone made. However, it has taken a different turn on my part." The hooded figure lifts his hood and throws it behind his head. "Does this answer your many questions?"
Fenrir stares up at the man as he reveals his face. It was just as Vania said. "She wasn't lying was she?"
"Ah, you mean Vania? No. I am you of a different time." The other Fenrir spoke as he crossed his arms. "I quit going by our name eons ago."
"Well, you didn't answer my questions. Who are you and why are you doing this?" Fenrir clenches his fists as he stared up at the other him.
The man thought to himself for a moment then glared back to Fenrir. "Just call me Unknown… My children call me the corniest of things… And to answer your question the reason is you." He lowers himself so to be eye to eye with Fenrir. "You've changed the events of this timeline, which also changed my plans drastically." Unknown lifts his hand and flicks a finger.
For a second it seemed to do nothing, but as time caught up a huge gust of air explodes in Fenrir's face, blasting him away from Unknown and over towards Apophis and Nightmare. Fenrir continues to role and slide through the burning sand until he feels himself stop. It had felt as if someone had slammed his face into a rock due to the sudden blast.
"This little farce between you and the Tower needs to end. There are more important matters right now and it appears you do not understand this." Unknown slowly glides down to Fenrir, hovering inches away from the sand. "This is completely different than the incident with Chaos. I did not being Nightmare to destroy this world."
Fenrir coughs as he slowly sits up. His hand covered in ice as he places it agaisnt his face. "Them why bring two beings that have that potential…" He glared at Unknown with his right eye. "Why let Beelzebub run wild?"
"He is a fool, I must admit. But he's useful. I need him to make a point to the Tower and the other Outer Gods."
"You mean your sons?" Fenrir questioned Unknown.
"Yea… But not just them. They may see everything that goes on, but there are far more at work here." Unknown lands next to Fenrir in the sand holding his hand out. "You resetting timeline was another beings work. Not just mine. Form an alliance with me, and I'll call off Nightmare and Beelzebub."