"Hey,... iseragi." Everyone stared at Ashikami and iseragi,a.k.a"Him" in confusion,even Dr.Sylvie was lost."Well,it was nice seeing ya" said iseragi with one hand in the air waving and walking away at the same time."Can't say the same about you..."mumbled Ashikami. Ashikami knew he heard her,but she didn't care and he didn't seem to care either because he kept walking and pretending he didn't hear her."Can I leave now ?"Said Ashikami annoyedly.Before they could answer ,she left anyways and went back to her cell.The others stayed behind to talk about what they just saw and heard.as soon as Ashikami got to her cell,someone was there waiting for her and guess who it was.....none other than Iseragi"The legend " himself.Ashikami stood at the entrance of her cell ,with narrowed-eyes Facing him.Her fists were clenched,Her mouth was tightly closed,Her face was red with anger,yet she still didn't say a word,But then Iseragi Started the conversation saying,"Long time no see, Ashi-Pooh"with a smirk on his face ."Do.NOT.ever.call.me.that.again."said Ashikami. "Oh come on,don't be like that.."said iseragi teasingly."Can you just leave my cells ?"said Ashikami."where's the fun in that?"said iseragi."I said LEAVE my cell!"Yelled Ashikami furiously."woah,I didn't think I was THAT much of a nuisance to you,but fine I'll leave ...my sweet Ashi-Pooh."said iseragi, slowly walking away.Ashikami still standing with her fist clenched,tried to calm down .She finally moved from where she was standing and laid down on her bed then,tried to fall asleep to get her mind off of what just happened The next day ;JST; 5:03am:"Ashi,wake up!""YAWN" "what is it Naga?"asked Ashikami annoyedly."Get dressed and then go to the "Sentakubeya" ,Our "Lovely" Kidnappers have something to tell us ." Said Nagakaki sarcastically."alright,I'll be there in a little bit"said Ashikami,Hoarsely. "Ok ,and drink some water ..."said Nagakaki Gesturing to her throat ,while walking off. Ashikami got to the "Sentakubeya" and saw everyone standing there silently.TBC...