Chereads / The Missing Weasley / Chapter 20 - New Friends And Curiosity

Chapter 20 - New Friends And Curiosity

Waking up Alora went to shower and change into her robes, when she got back she noticed that Hermione had now gotten up also.

Alora shared a dorm with Hermione, Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown. There weren't many in the dorm but Parvati's sister was said to be moving in because she could bear to be without her sister. Which most people knew was a lie just so they could gossip together 24/7.

Alora had inner thoughts, well promises to herself and the main one was be a kid, have a childhood. Alora had never really had an enjoyable or a playful childhood. It consisted in lessons which were taught by multiple private professors and alchemy by Nicholas Flamel himself -that was before he passes away in peace - which was quite an honour.

Growing up with the Willows was wonderful yet dull. Alora never really had much fun but the place where all of her plans and great creations came from was her secret garden. Yes she had a secret garden. Alora made it herself with some spells she created, it was like another realm, with its pillars and vines of flowers. It brought elegance and happiness to her soul which sounds deep and it is lest be honest.

Alora wanted to open up about her little doggy friend to her twin or anyone in her family, who she loved but being herself she was anxious and was scared to put her heart, soul and trust into her true family because last time she did that they all died. She didn't want that to happen to them, they deserved everything and she didn't want to bring them into the world of darkness that she had been living.

Alora was brought out of her thoughts by a voice. Hermione Granger.

"Hey, are you ok you've just been staring at the wall while I called your name" she placed her hand on Alora's shoulder

"Oh yeah just slightly nervous I guess" Alora smiled at her bushy haired friend.

"Alright come on we'll be late for breakfast" Hermione grabbed her bag and left to the common room

"Relax you'll be fine" Alora muttered to herself

"Great now I'm talking to myself" she shook her head and her ginger curls moving with these movements.

At breakfast......

After Hermione had eaten she had mumbled something about going to class early which made no sense since there was ages until divination.

"So how was your first night at Hogwarts" Harry asked looking over his goblet

"Oh it was quite nice and I have a question" he nodded for her to continue

"Well uh does Hogwarts have an unlimited supply of food because I swear if he keeps eating like that he might just kill the house elves" Alora looked at her brother who was shovelling food into his moth like his life depended on it

"I mean he eats like this all the time but you should see him at dinner" Harry chucked winking at the girl across from him

"Hey a gud bekfst is impornt yooo kno" Ron said with his mouth full

"Right...." Alora grabbed another crepe Filled with Nutella

"Just saying divination is a waste of time I mean she predicted my death the fist class" he laughed again

"Yes he got the grim" Ron finally swallowed

"Oh interesting" Alora stroked her non existent beard

"What are gonna murder him" Ron's eyes widened

"Darn it, you foiled my plans I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids" Alora said seriously crossing her arms

After talking and eating a bit more the trio left to go up to the divination classroom which of course was so high up it took hours to get there.

After classes In the Gryffindor Common Room......

The golden trio plus Alora were sitting in the common room which was decorated with red and gold and Hermione was trying to get the boys to do their assignments whilst Alora was reading her potions book.

"Harry, Hermione was telling me that my brothers gave you a magic map" Alora turned to the raven haired boy

"She oh yeah it's called the Marauders Map it shows the location of everyone in the school" Harry scratched the back of his neck talking in hushed tones

"Oh huh could I see it later or something" she asked

"Why would you want to see it I mean it's nothing special but ye I guess"

"Oh you know I'm quite curious about charmed items and it sound really cool" Alora lied straight through her teeth with no guilt at all. She had her reasons to lie to the Potter boy and if you knew them you would understand too.

"Yeah I'll show you it in a bit when less people are around" he chuckled

"Cool" she turned her attention back to her book

"Oh shoot I have a letter to send I need to head to the owlery" Alora gathered her things

"But I'm not to be rude but who is it for" Hermione tried to ask without saying that her other family is dead

"Oh yeah I have a few to send to Mol-Mum and you know the house elves, they can get lonely you know" Alora headed upstairs to her room to grab her letters

"That was weird" Ron finally spoke up

"I'm surprised Malfoy hasn't said anything to her"

"Yeah it's weird you know he always has something to say" Harry commented

"He's probably in his lair trying to figure out a new insult for her" Hermione said in an evil voice

They all laughed but quietened down when Alora came down the stairs with four letters all sealed with the Willow family crest.

She walked out of the portrait without sparing  the trio a glance.

In the Owlery....

In the Owlery Alora was met with her owl Apollo. Apollo's was a white owl with brown and red markings, the red showing more near the bottom with glistening blue eyes.

"Now I don't have your favourite but I have the next best thing" she pulled out a bag of owl treats.

"Now I have more than one for you to deliver but the main one is for Padfoot ok" she  whispered the last part so no prying ears heard

"Well well well what do we have here" a voice brought her out of her bubble

"Well well well I'm a person not a thing if you haven't noticed" a snapped back turning around

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" a handsome blonde held out his hand

Alora had to look up to his somewhat towering figure

"Oh so your the Malfoy my brother and Harry are obsessed with" she snickered

"Well a lot of people are obsessed but they are indeed my first subscribers" he chuckled his moth forming a smirk

"Well I'm guessing you know who I am but I'm Alora" Alora grabbed his hand that had dropped to his side and shook it

"Persistent" he commented

"Well which one is your owl" Alora asked trying to find an owl that suited him

"See that one there, the eagle owl on that perch" he grabbed her hand to point to where his owl was situated "that's one is all mine" he spoke into her ear making her feel a type of way.

"You know with your wit you could definitely be a Slytherin" he smiled

"Well it was one of my options but I mean I think I have more courage than cunning" Alora smirked

"Really I mean you must have bravery to be in my presence most cower but you, you seem to flourish in it" he chuckled moving closer to the ginger girl  in front of him

"Well your just a person and if people cower you don't seem to mind" Alora tilted her head to the right a little

"Well whatever anyways, wanna come to Hogsmeade with me and my friends next week" Draco asked

"Is The Draco Malfoy asking me out on a date" Alora quirked a brow

"No are you dead my friends are going and plus it's more of a favour you know, getting away from your brother and all" he stated

"Oh well I owe you one" she joked but slight seriousness to her tone

"Hey your owl is wicked" Draco looked over her shoulder and to the owl who was still nibbling at the treats

"Isn't she, my mum got her for me" Alora smiled proudly

"I didn't think they had money to buy an owl never mind an owl like that" Draco raised his eyebrows

"Oh my mistake I mean my somewhat adoptive mother, Scarlet Willow" she shook her head at her mistake "um there is a whole story but I'd rather not go into it" my voice broke a little

"Look if you tell anyone about this I'll hex you" Draco brought her in hug after his threat (which he didn't completely mean if he's honest)

"I know what it's like to feel alone but we're friends so you can talk to me when you don't feel like Weaslebee will be any help" he pulled away

"Now I must go back before curfew now if you tell anyone about this my father will have more to worry about other than that bloody chicken" he glared slightly

"Whatever you say your highness" Alora bowed and Draco laughed a bit at her antics

"Goodnight Draco" she smiled and walked past him

"Goodnight Alora" he gave his letter to his owl and gave it his letter for his mother and walked down the many stairs to the dungeons.

The two of them now had a bond which neither friends may enjoy but friends are friends.

Hey I posted a long chapter today and it took awhile to get it right but it's still not edited.

Happy New Year to Everyone and I hope you are all safe this time of year

- Ella xoxo