Chereads / The Missing Weasley / Chapter 7 - Famous!?!?

Chapter 7 - Famous!?!?

Arthur's POV-

Molly has been a little off wondering and worrying about Alora I can't believe we forgot about her after ten years!

Dumbledore said that he has something to show us and he said we will be proud and that this is when we will tell the kids because they need to know especially Ron, I agree Molly is a little on edge by this but she knows we have to.

I decided to write a letter to Ron hopefully he gets it in time we really need a new owl but Molly says Errol is fine he's just a little old.


Dear Ronald,

Hope all is well, your Mum and I are doing fine. There is also something important if you remember the letter you got a few days ago, well that meeting will be held on Sunday but on Saturday we are going somewhere with Dumbledore and before you ask I'm not sure if Hermione and Harry can come you will have to clear that up with him. Can't wait to see you a little early.




Ron's POV-

I was eating like a normal person should while Hermione kept giving me disgusted looks I swear I don't understand why she does that, hmmm maybe she loves me! WAIT no I'm too good for her I mean have you seen my hair.....

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Harry shoved me.

"Bloody Hell mate" I said disapproving of his ways to snap me out of my thoughts while rubbing my head

"Hermione and I were said your name like ten times you deserved it" he smirked

"Shove off both of you anyway what's so important you had to stop my thought of train" I grunted

"Tsk Tsk Ronald you said it backwards honestly can you even think, it's Train of though you idiot" Hermione huffed

I was about to snap at her but Harry butted in

"Whatever it doesn't matter while I was up in the Owlery Errol came in, well he banged straight into the glass but anyways here you are" he explained while handing me a letter

I snatched it and read it with Hermione practically on my shoulder trying to read it

"We have to go do Dumbledore to ask if you two can come with us somewhere, I think it's about that meeting remember" I said excitedly

"Oh yes Ronald I do now chop chop we better go now before afternoon classes begin" Hermione explained while getting up

Harry and I followed because as much as I hate to say it she's right.

At Dumbledores office-

Harry's POV-

I said the password since I was the only one of us three that knew it, Dumbledore was sitting in his chair as always while unwrapping a sweet.

"Ah, I've been expecting your visit, like a sweet?" He asked kindly

I of course took one while the other two declined, like how could you decline a sweet from him, the sweets turn into what you want(mine of course was a chocolate bar)

"Now before you ask your question, no they can't come but they can know what it is about" he paused "Now take a seat"

We all took a seat me right in front of Professor Dumbledore, Hermione on my left and Ron on my right.

"Why can't they come!" Ron complained

"This is a family matter and I know you are all family but it's more inner family Ronald" he turned to Ron "it's quite personal especially for you" he said sympathetically

"Oh well uhh what's it about then" Ron mumbled in defeat but loud enough so we could all hear

"Oh well let's just say when you meet this person you will feel connected, bonded if you will and no it's not soulmates" Professor Dumbledore explained "it's more of a brotherly and sisterly bond"

"So what your saying it that they are either long lost childhood friends or that there is another Weasley" I said finally making me presence known(mostly because I finished my chocolate bar; which was delicious)

"Maybe, but you all have to get to your classes, I'll see you Ronald tomorrow" he said as the door opened

We all said our goodbyes and walked out of his office

"You have a sister Ron that's great!" Hermione exclaimed because she had seen the frown on his face

"Ye I know but now there is another annoying person to deal with and it's a girl" he grumbled

" 'it's!' I'm pretty sure Professor Dumbledore made it clear that they are a girl so they are a she, merlin Ron" I sighed

"Oh merlin will you bugger off I'm just confused why did it mum and dad say anything like I feel lied to" he said sadly

I patted his back

"Come on now mate, maybe she won't be that bad and plus she will be great I just know it" I beamed hoping to change his mood

"You know what your kinda right Harry" Hermione butted in " I mean he said that it was personal especially for you! So what could that possibly mean; it's means you could be twins!" Hermione said slicing her own equation. Ron just rolled his eyes while we walked to class, sadly it was potions and of course it's with Slytherin even better!

I still couldn't help but think about the mystery girl I mean, what is she gonna be like, are they identical or not like there are so many questions. I sighed and sat down to take out my books for class; this was gonna be a long one.


Ron's POV-

I had woken up to Hermione shoving me, wait HERMIONE is in MY room oh my is is clean?!?

"RONALD!!" She shouted

"Merlin will you stop it I'd rather not have a headache please!!" I snapped

"We'll be able to get up yourself you have an hour to get ready, have breakfast and go to Dumbledore's office and go to wherever you are going now GET UPPP!!"she yelled

"OK OK, I'm up merlin" I muttered

10 minutes later-

I spotted Harry eyeing up his invisibility cloak that he got in first year lucky he is.

"Oi!" "You aren't using that to come with us ok" I said am destroying his dreams

"Why not! Nobody will know and plus I'll bring Hermione" he argued

"Because what if what he shows us is like Idontknow" I said the quickly

"Ughhh well what are Hermione and I gonna do just sit back and wait for you to get back and not even tell us what happened especially in detail" he said still argued with me

"Well I-uh I have to go I'm gonna be late see you later mate!" I shouted while running out of the door to Dumbledore's office

As I got there I had realised I forgot breakfast and I stated to get really hungry now, great....

I then decided to head back when I saw Ginny,Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, Bill, Mum and dad walking into Dumbledore's office.

I sort of forgot about Ginny I mean I did ask her if she got a letter and she said she did and it was about a meeting but she never got one about this- I knew I was the favourite child!

"Right we better get going then shall we" Dumbledore said as we all had entered

We all nodded.


We arrived in a place full of muggles and the only way I could tell was because Dad was of course fussing over everything while Mum had to get him to act normal it was quite a funny sight.

I took in the scenery and there was a stage right in front of us with its curtains open and then they started to close.

Music had started its was weird music that Ginny seemed to like, it sounded like a harp and violin; we had leaned about them in muggle studies I was quite proud of myself for remembering that, watch out Hermione.

As the red velvet curtains opened tent revealed a red headed girl with long legs and her hair wasn't as red as ours which confused me but I brushed it off.

I looked over at Mum and Dad and they were both had tears in their eyes and the only difference was that mum's tears were slowly falling down her cheeks.

I looked back at the girl she was now dancing she was a beautiful dancer, she was leaping and twirling while doing some other things I can't even describe.

"Who is that?" I whispered to dad

"Your twin sister" he stated bluntly

"What..." I breathed I was shocked, we weren't identical (Thank God!) at all that I could tell from here.

Molly's POV-

The velvet curtains opened and in the middle was a girl and beautiful red headed girl, her hair was a soft orange her eyes were a blue colour. Then she started to dance I had heard from Arthur that this was Ballet I think anyway it's beautiful; she just seemed to flow with the music to turns and jumps and other amazing moves.

I hadn't realised I had been crying until I felt a salty tear fall onto my hands, Arthur had seen me and out his arm around me holding me close with tears in his eyes also.  

Arthur's POV-   (Yes I'm doing all of their POVS)

I pulled Molly close as she stared to have her tears fall, I mean who could blame her.

The girl on stage was a beautiful dancer she flowed with the music, I heard murmurs that she was gonna win and then I realised it was a competition and that our daughter might win.

Looking at her up there doing whatever you wanna call her moves; twirls, jumps everything she did was graceful.

I heard some more whispers saying some kind of french words saying 'ooh did you see that Relevé'    'Oh wow look at that Sautè'

I have no idea what any of those words mean so i assume it's what she was doing on stage.

Fred's POV-

I heard that the beautiful Maiden on stage was our oldest younger sister I immediately looked at George and he mirrored my expression and he was definitely thinking what I was thinking.

The girl was dancing and I had heard well not heard George said he saw the judges papers and her name was Alora and that's when I started to get a headache I got all of these flashes with George, a little red headed girl and I going over pranks and laughing it was wicked!   But also confusing was that the same girl on stage?!?!

(George's POV is the same as Fred's except he saw her name and whispered it and got his memories of her and there is different wording so I won't bother too much but if you want me to do it I can edit it in)

Bill's POV-

The girl's name was Alora, I knew that name somewhere so I got lost in my own thoughts and then the announcer came in the stage and congratulated the girl as she got out of her pose and said her thank yous and then the announcer said " give a round of applause to Alora Willow!"

That's when it hit me Alora was our little sister, Ron's twin sister.

I got lots of flashes of memories that seemed to be lost made their way back into my head

Charlie's POV-

My flashes of memories had just finished as the girl who I knew was Alora glided onto the floor into a dramatic graceful pose.

There was an erupt of applauses everyone seemed to know who she was which confused me a lot

Percy's POV-

I was in shock as I had learned Ron had a twin sister and I had another sibling; the oldest but younger sister.

It was crazy the memories went by in a flash but I remember them all most of them were is reading which was absolutely mad because she looked only four years old and she was an amazing reader especially for her age at the time, I could help but wonder how many books she has read and what she has to say about them.

Charlie's POV-

I got my flashes of memories with a girl that made my head hurt a lot like a lot they were the girl who was aloe and I talking about dragons and other animals she seemed to have a great interest for magical creatures and the outside world which made me smile at the thought of her.

Ginny's POV-

I had gotten little flashbacks of when I was a baby and a little red haired girl the same age as Ron, I learned her name was Alora what a pretty name I thought.

I, of course was just a baby but Alora seemed to like me a lot she was playing with me in all of my flashbacks of her. I hope we get to talk soon I can rant to someone other than Hermione about my problems with the boys.

Then I got a few others she was reading to me I could barely read words never mind huge books Hermione definitely has some competition. We also played lots of silly games she was my best friend.

Back to Ron's POV-

I had just learned her name was Alora and I had lots of memories of her and I.

Some were is playing doing a little bit of magic which consisted of her trying to teach me to levitate a leaf without a wand, I wasn't sure if that meant anything because she could do it without a wand when I couldn't but that's probably a coincidence

The other memories were is playing in the garden playing quidditch somehow without flying. There were also ones where she would read to me and she would teach me how to read. She was always smiling it was such a perfect smile (even though she was missing a few teeth)


I went to get a drink before the winners are announced when I fell over literally nothing, it felt like I ran into somebody and that's when I saw a shoes and nothing else and surprise surprise the shoes belonged to Harry!!!!

I dragged him outside.

"What are you doing here you git!!" I yelled causing some stares but I didn't care

"Look I didn't know that you would have a sister and plus Professor Dumbledore hinted I should go" he explained

"Whatever come on they are about to announce the winners" i grunted and dragged him back inside

Harry's POV-

Ron dragged me inside and the winners were being announced and the girl whose name is Alora Willow hasn't gotten an award for her performance.

I looked over at her she was gorgeous(WAIT NO NOT HAPPENING HARRY SHES RON'S TWIN) she looked a little nervous though I could tell because of the way she was fiddling with her hands even though she held her head high.

"And last but not least Out First Place Winner for the solo category isssss Number 416 for the solo Alone without you Miss Alora Willow!!" the judge announced loudly

There was applauses from everywhere in the room and especially her teams portion of the room.

Alora smiled....god it was perfect and went up to get her trophy it was huge but she deserved it that solo I think the judge called it was beautiful.

A few hours later back at Hogwarts

"Your long lost daughter is famous in the muffle world Molly, Arthur" Dumbledore explained

"Wait she's famous like actually famous wow I can't wait for her to show me all the things that muggles do anyway why don't we go get her right now" Mr Weasley beamed

"We need to discuss things on how to approach this don't we Albus" Ms Weasley said trying to hide the fact she wanted her daughter more than anything, anyone could tell from her tone

"We do indeed Molly" Dumbledore Agreed

"So—" Fred began

"Our sister-"George butted in

"Is A" Fred said

"Famous Muggle" they both chimed

"I guess she is" Ron said turning to Fred and George

"Ye and she's beautiful" I mumbled to myself but they must of heard me because they looked straight at me

"Um what Harry" Ron questioned

"Huh w..what I d-didn't say anything-I uh ye"I stuttered

"Ye uh-huh" Fred and George said at the same time

"Right now tomorrow we meet Alora Lilith Weasley" Dumbledore said getting everyone's attention

Sorry if I got some things wrong about the terminology or anything like that I'm not a dancer or know a lot of the terms so sorry if it's wrong.

Anyways this chapter was by far the longest it took me awhile to write but it was worth it

Before I give you guys the satisfaction of having her meet her real family I'm gonna do some flashbacks in a chapter of when she was younger and stuff but she will meet them really soon.

I wanna make the filler chapters so you guys get a good look at her life with the Willow family.

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and if there are any typos I apologise this chapters hasn't been edited yet

-Ella xx