today is a regular with my wife and daughter when all of a sudden there was an announcement stating people are coming back from the dead and eating each other. At first we didn't think much of it but then we got a knock on our door . We opened the door thinking it was the pizza we ordered but he attacked my daughter so I had to defend her but for some reason he didn't take her he bit her I punched him as hard as I can but my hand went threw his head it was like his bones in his skull was weak I thought I killed a man but it turned out he wasn't a man at all or at least anymore. He also wasn't the only one the streets where full of them and there coming this way I have to get my family out of here so we run to the car and we drive to the nearest city when we get to the high way it is so full we had to go on foot and even on foot we couldn't reach the city before those things caught up to us we had to go threw the woods and we got away but now where lost and my daughter she is getting sick and I don't know why she has a fever and is sweating I fear the worst. I am thinking she won't make it... To Be Continued...