Chereads / War Singer / Chapter 18 - Departure

Chapter 18 - Departure

Lifesong flowed into the core of her energy centres, as Eranae concentrated it to that point. She did this by positioning her hands in a specific sign that her tutors had taught her. After concentrating enough lifesong, she shifted the sign allowing the lifesong to open her mind and evoke the seal. Suddenly, her head felt much lighter.

"Hello my dear Era," a ghastly feminine voice said in her ear, "I am finally in!"

"Don't be so proud of yourself," Era spoke aloud, "I let you in. Now answer my question. How in Ashireth are I and Pearl sharing a binding."

"Yeah, I'm curious too," Pearl said, "Rel hasn't told me yet. She said that she will wait for you."

"He is right," Rel informed, "And you do not need to speak out aloud to commune with me."

"Like this, then." Era thought firmly.

"Yes, splendid!" Rel exclaimed emotionlessly, "I always took you for a quick learner. It kinda makes up for your lack of propriety."

"I am proper!" Era raged, "Now answer the damn question!"

"This is the lack of propriety I was talking about." Rel notified, "Anyway, I cannot talk to both of you at the same time so you should expect pauses when I explain my theory."

"Theory?" Era raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, it's a theory," Rel yawned, or imitated one in the least, "I am not an omniscient god, well there are no omniscient gods but there are those who have reached close to that point. However, I am not one of them."

"Ugghh," Era sighed, "What is your theory then?"

"Ahem, I suppose that when good Pearl found you at the creek, you had nearly run out of lifesong and your body had begun giving up. This means that you were dying."

"Makes sense." Era commented but Rel didn't say anything. She looked at Pearl who was nodding in the air. Then he looked back at Era.

"So, as your soul was passing into what you call the realm of Oblivion or Infinity, Pearl began binding me." Rel explained, "It is my hypothesis that this action pulled back the remnants of your soul and binded it with his essence. It seems like the essence of souls express some sort of ethereal cohesion. You have it now, that's my theory."

Era waited for Rel to finish her explanation with Pearl. After a few moments, he perked up.

"So that's why the lifesong transferred into me as well!" Pearl said with an air of satisfaction.

"Sorry, what?" Era asked.

"Oh, I suppose you didn't notice," Pearl told her, "When you rejuvenated your lifesong from the skysong, a good amount of it was imparted into me as well."

That was not so surprising after Relkanar'idelan's hypothesis, but the implications of it could be groundbreaking. If this information was to be taken back to the Council, it would be a gamechanger for their cause's struggle.

"Pearl," Era spoke, "We must travel to Haleranth."

Pearl remained silent for a moment, thinking, then he spoke, "It's surprising, I have never heard of the place."

"Of course, you haven't" Era remembered the place's anonymity, "It's a place near Akethan."

"Akethan!" Pearl's mouth was wide open, "That's the northernmost Renaari kingdom, almost near Yavireth."

"Yes, that's the place." Era nodded.

"Why do you want to go there?" Pearl said, "And why must I come with...oh that's pretty obvious."

"Haleranth is where my superiors reside," Era answered honestly, "I cannot tell you everything at the moment, but know this. The fact that more than one person can bind a relic simultaneously would change a lot of things."

"Offer him something," Rel suggested, "I would recommend teaching him in the way of the Songs. He is skilled lifesinger and is eager to learn."

"Alright," Pearl smiled enthusiastically before Era could say anything, "But I cannot just leave Nanaral. I will have to come up with something to convince Mother for letting me leave."

"You don't want anything in return?" Era asked, angry at Rel for making her consider otherwise. She was letting the spirit sway her thoughts.

"I mean, if you are offering to pay me, it would be foolish to refuse." Pearl got down from the rock outcrop, "But travelling that far is a reward in itself, and I can learn more about the Songs by staying near you."

"I can teach you if you want." Era reflexively offered.

"All the more better." Pearl said, "We should return to the village, get some sleep. In the morning I will talk with Mother."

Eranae was given a place to sleep in Pearl's room while Pearl himself slept at the storage quarters. After drifting in the sea on a plank of wood for days, it felt divine to sleep in a warm cot furnished with soft fur pelts. Eranae couldn't tell when she had fallen asleep and when the morning had come. But when it had come, Ember had already readied a pack of supplies and fresh clothing for her.

Pearl had awakened early in the morning and told his mother that he wanted to escort Eranae to Ilnanar-tem-Ginak, which was sort of a capital for the Nanar and the only port on the western side of the Cape of Narl. In Nanar society, lifesingers weren't supposed to leave the lands of Ilnanar so that they could protect the secluded villages. However, going to the capital was not forbidden. Ember had allowed Pearl that much, but he hadn't revealed anything about journey to Haleranth.

After finishing breakfast, Eranae requested Ember to accept her garnet earring, the only sort of wealth Eranae held currently, as a sign of gratitude but Ember refused. In Nanaral, it was dishonorable to receive payment in exchange of hospitality which was weird since the Nanar were mostly merchants. On the contrary, Ember advised Era to go to the alderman and trade the earrings for silver which would be more practical to carry as money during her travels. Eranae did so, and by noon was prepared to depart.

Ember, along with some of Pearl's friends, gathered at the village gate. Pearl was there, with a travelling pack which held supplies and tools, along a short bow that was strapped to the pack's back. At his belt he wore a thick curved dagger. He embraced his mother and bid her farewell for what she thought was a few week's journey, but she didn't know the truth. Pearl said that it was better that way. Then he turned and walked to Eranae, who was already standing outside the gate.

"Let's get going," Eranae said, "We have a long journey ahead."