Heads up the first parts of the story are me getting used to writing and it gets better. I will not edit these because I'd just have to rewrite the whole thing and I'd rather not. The first 2 parts aren't really the same and I kinda do a change on the 3rd chapter so yeah it's weird. Just a heads up.
Seraphina: Sera
*Remi has created a group chat*
*Remi added: Arlo, Seraphina, Blyke, Isen and Elaine.*
Remi: Hey guys!!!!
Isen:Ā Remi, what have you done?
Remi: I was bored so I created a group chat so we could all talk!
Blyke: Remi, Isen and I are right next to you...
Remi: Oh yeah! I forgot, sorry, hehe
Isen: I see how it is
Remi: I'm sorry!!
Arlo: Why am I here?
Remi: Because, i'm borreeed
Arlo: Well I have duties to do so goodbye.
Remi: Wait no, come back!
Arlo: What do you want?
Sera: So. What are we supposed to do?
Remi: I don't know, a game?
Sera: I'm bored so sure
Blyke: Well, Remi is ignoring Isen and I so we're in
Remi: I'm sorry!
Arlo: Remi, if they're right next to you, you can physically talk instead of text.
Arlo: Also i'm out, I don't want to socialize with you people.
Sera: Douche
Blyke: Agreed
Isen: Sorry Arlo but I agree with them please don't kill me!!
Remi: Asslo you're playing whether you like it or not
Arlo: We'll see.
*Arlo has left the chat*
*Remi has changed the chat rules: Permission to leave - False*
*Remi has added Arlo to the chat*
Remi: You're staying
Arlo: Why can't I leave?
Remi: Because I said so
Sera: So what game are we playing?
Remi: I don't know, does anyone have any ideas?
Blyke: Truth or dare?
Isen: Welp here goes all my privacy
Remi: Sounds good, I'm in
Sera: Same here
Isen: I guess why not
Arlo: No
Remi: You don't get a choice
Remi: Okay who's first?
Isen: I'll go first!
Isen: Blyke, Truth or Dare
Blyke: Dare, I'm not a wimp
Isen: Well if you say that then.. I dare you to stand up to Arlo in the middle of lunch
Blyke: Nooooo, I don't wanna die
Isen: A dare's a dare
Sera: Or are you to wimp to do it?
Remi: Yeah Blyke, don't run from a dare
Arlo: I think i'll enjoy this game.
Remi: See I told you it wouldn't be so bad
Arlo: Be quite.
Sera: Rude
Elaine: Arlo!
Isen: Get him Elaine!!
Blyke: You go girl!
Sera: *Snorts* losers
Blyke: Hey!
Isen: Come on! we're cheering a high school romance into play!
Sera: I'm intrigued to how this could end..
Remi: I always shipped Arlaine
Arlo: No.
Elaine: Mean
Arlo: I said what I said.
Sera: But you didn't mean it
Arlo: You don't know that.
Remi: Anyways, Blyke's turn
Blyke: Okay Remi, truth or dare?
Remi: Truth because Blyke said dare
Sera: So?
Remi: It'd be boring if everyone did dare and y'all are crazy so yeah
Sera: True
Blyke: Okay Remi, where were you last night when you left school at 2 am?
Remi: ...
Elaine: Come on, don't leave us hanging!
Sera: Yeah come on Remi, was it a meetup with a guy?
Arlo: Wow, I never imagined Remi doing that.
Remi: Because I didn't!
Isen: Then what were you doing?
Remi:Ā ...
Elaine: You can tell us, nothing leaves this chat
Sera: Elaine's right and if something does we can always jump that one person
Remi: Okay okay fine... I was out "playing" superhero..
Arlo: You what?
Remi: You heard me
Isen: But Remi, that's dangerous!
Blyke: Yeah! We almost died last time!
Sera: Tea?
Arlo: They all went to play superhero a while back and ran into a lady named Volcan that almost killed the 3 of them.
Sera: WhAT??
Remi: Sorry guys, I just wanted revenge for Rei
Isen: We get that but this is still dangerous
Blyke: Yeah! And we're not even that strong. Arlo isn't even strong enough to compete against them!
Remi: Fine! I'm sorry i'll stop
Blyke: Thank you
Elaine: Remi's turn
Remi: Okay Seraphina truth or dare?
Sera: Dare
Remi: I dare you, the next time your with John to get all snuggly and flirty with him
Sera: No!! Please!
Isen: Oh? Does Seraphina like the cripple?
Sera: I don't!
Blyke: She totally does!
Elaine: Omg that's just great lmao
Sera: I hate all of you
Arlo: I do too.
Sera: No one asked
Arlo: Damn.
Remi: So Seraphina, you gonna do the dare or wimp out?
Sera: I'll try, but I don't know what to expect
Elaine: He likes you
Sera: How would you know?
Elaine: Who else is he going to like?
Blyke: That's like a really good point
Isen: True you are his only friend
Remi: Oooohhhh the cripple likes Seraphina!
Sera: Shut up *Madly blushes*
Isen: Okay enough with that it's Seraphina's turn
Sera: Okay Asslo, truth or dare?
Arlo: That was unnecessary, also dare.
Sera: I dare you to add John and when he asks why he was added in you have to say you were lonely
Remi: Yes Seraphina!!!
Arlo: No Seraphina!!!
Sera: Yes Serephina!!
Arlo: Damnit fine.
*Arlo has added John to the chat*
John: Why must you hate my living soul?
John: Why am I here anyways?
Arlo: ..I was lonely.
John: Good stay that way, I hate you
Arlo: Then it's mutual.
John: ????
Sera: Hey John!
John: Oh hey Sera!
Sera: Yeah Arlo was talking about missing you and everything so he decided to add you so he wasn't lonely anymore
Remi: Omg yes, he was dying without you!
John: I'm going to puke
Sera: Wait don't!
John: To late..
Sera: Where are you?
John: My dorm
Blyke: Our dorm*
John: Who are you?
Blyke: For real?
John: For real
Blyke: Dude I literally live with you
John: Oh, so your the weird red headed that's ability is from goku?
Isen: That would be him
John: Isen I still hate you
Sera: John i'm coming
Remi: Oh yeah John we're playing truth or dare, do you want to join?
John: Sure why not, as long as Arlo doesn't kiss me then i'm fine
Arlo: Why would I kiss you?
John: Because you miss me
Arlo: That was a dare!
John: Sure buddy
Arlo: Why you!
Sera: Arlo, I'll kill you if you hurt John
John: Thanks Sera
Sera: No problem
Arlo: Why me.
Elaine: Arlo it's your turn!
Arlo: Okay John, truth or dare?
John: Dare
Arlo: To scared to say truth?
John: Yes, indeed I am
Arlo: Fine I dare you to go without the gel for a month.
Sera: Omg Finally, he actually looks really good without it on too
Blyke: I can't deny that he does look better without the hairgel
Remi: Oooh I wanna see
John: Well wait til tomorrow
Elaine: Dang, just shut her down like that
John: So?
Elaine: Okay..
John: Okay my turn, Elaine is the only one who hasn't been chosen correct?
Isen: Correct, then she'll t or d me
John: Okay.
Elaine: I'm scared
John: You should be
Sera: John!
John: I was kidding!!
Sera: You better be
John: Okay, Elaine truth or dare?
Elaine: Truth
John: Is it true that you follow and watch Arlo whenever you see him?
Arlo: I already know she does.
John: Cocky much
Arlo: Yes indeed I am.
Elaine: Fine, yes I do.
John: Lmao knew it
Sera: Kinda obvious not gonna lie
Elaine: It was?!?!
Isen: Yes
Blyke: Yup
Remi: 100%
Elaine: Dang it
Blyke: Elaine's turn
Elaine: Okay Isen truth or dare?
Isen: Dare
Elaine: I dare you to turn in a horrible story to Cecile
Isen: I'm so dead!!
Blyke: It's not that bad
Isen: Yes it is! We're talking about Cecile!
Blyke: Oh you're right, well goodluck man
Isen: What no help??
Blyke: Nope
Isen: Anyone?
*Elaine has gone offline*
*Arlo has gone offline*
*Remi has gone offline*
*Sera has gone offline*
*John has gone offline*
*Blyke has gone offline*
Isen: I have the greatest friends in the world.
Isen: Not!
*Isen has gone offline*