Before time, life, magic, there was only darkness, untill she came. Unix, the creator of the universe or to be more specific, the creator of all of the universes. No one know how exactly she came to be or how she made the multiply universes but we do know the rest. If you don't know this story that means you're part of the non magic world, it may be too much to take in so let this be a warning. Anyway, the non magic world is exactly as it sounds, no magic, no knowledge of magic, every power anyone has ever thought of is known as fake, laughable even. This world is completely cut off of the rest of the multiverse. Next is the Top world, this world is in charge of keeping order, holding celebrations, keeping good and evil separate, and not letting anyone mess with the balance. This world is where the rulers of "smaller" things such as sleep and dreams or life and death would reign and work from. There are multiply big time, power hungry people who originate for the Top world. The third world is Imagination, where any idea, dream, or thought can come true. The people who live here are not all mortals. You have three main parts in this world that are the fairy tales, the monsters, and the gods. It's pretty self explanatory. To be honest we could go on and on with the multiply worlds, however this story begins in a very specific on. It is the world that governs life and nature in all worlds. The world that gives every other world forests and ocean, volcanos and clouds, the sun and moon. This world is the only world to rival the Top world. This, is the Elemental world.
The Elemental world has a bad reputation. Most people think they are weak, all because they never help the other worlds, however the only reason they don't help is because they have their own problems. From dealing with people who want more power to people who can't control their own. This world is always busy, and they still has a bad reputation. The other worlds don't know nor care what the elementals have to go through. That's never stopped them.
The uncontrollable water kingdom to free willed air kingdom, even headstrong earth kingdom or the raging fire kingdom, will fight untill there's nothing left and then some. Never giving up and never surrendering to anyone. Each and every kingdom will have diversity within their people, but all are taught to keep fighting, protect the weak, and defend the defenceless, no matter what. Even if you dislike them, even if you don't know them, even if they've wronged you, keep fighting. This is why they are one of the most powerful worlds.