The man who had spoken was stout. He wore his suit properly, but his buttons struggled to hold his clothes together. He was short in stature and on his face was always a calculative grin.
"I'm Mr. Tet. I would like to sign you into our company," he raised his hand motioning towards the chair in front of him.
Avina glanced at the people lining the walls and then at Mr. Tet. She could only comply with his invitation and sit down. Stall? She can do that.
Mr. Tet grinned knowing all too well how this would play out. It wasn't the first time he recruited a starlet, and he never failed either. The temptation of being rich was all too alluring for people like her.
"That's correct. I am a part of B Corp, and we work together with talented individuals to bring out their full potential. I think you would develop well in our company."
"Talented? I don't think I have anything like that," Wilona blushed. Talented? Her? She could never.
"I am more than confident-"