Everyone's attention was turned to look at Harry so he could tell them if what Ella was saying was true. He looked around searching for Caleb so that he could help him but he was nowhere in sight. He glanced at Ella and wondered why she had done what she did. She had never asked her to break the news to people. Come to think of it he had never thought about breaking the news to them figuring how his last relationship had been. He had wanted to wait until he was sure so as to tell them but coming to think of it would he ever be sure with the choice he had made. He looked at his friends and they were all staring at him waiting for him to say something. He smiled and started to talk .
"Am sorry I did not tell you guys I just did not know how you guys were going to take it",he says shrugging off his shoulders.
"Did not know how we felt or you were unsure if it yourself!",asks Soffie.