"I do not aim with my hand; He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart." Stephen King, Gunslinger
No One's Pov
Lyall was once again sitting in a dark room only this time she felt something. She felt cold stone, hard and smooth. She smelt the air, moldy and sooty. She opened her eyes to look at her new surroundings but... there was one problem.
Lyall Pov
I'm... I'm blind! I wasn't blind before!? I tried rubbing my eyes. Hoping that something was just in my eyes and it was just my imagination. Only to find that wasn't the case. Everything was pitch black. I started to panic, my heart was pumping 2 times more then normal. "Okay... Okay calm down. Just breath." I told myself. Placing my hand to my chest. Feeling my heart trying to jump out. I took one deep breath amd calmed myself down.
Once I calmed myself down I tried listening to my surroundings. At first I heard nothing... but then I heard a gasp and clinking of chains. I flinched at the sound. "Who's there?" I whispered. I thought the said thing/person couldn't hear me but it turns out it did. "That would be my line? Who are you? Where are you?" he said in a thick Romainian voice. "That's a good question. I'm not entirely sure where I am. And who I am well... tell me who you are and maybe I'll share you mine." I said.
I don't know why I didn't straight up and tell him who I am but if I remember correctly of the rules entering through time or realm that I am a ghost/spirit in this world and I can't upset the balance ... so no one could hear or see me. But this boy... if I'm not mistaken is able to hear me. How is he able to hear me?
That is probably why I didn't tell him straight up of who I am. I want more information on where I am and see if I can trust him enough to figure out how he is able to hear me. "How is that fair? How do I know this is not a trick to send me back to the Sultan?!" he growled. "Wow he really doesn't like this Sultan." I thought. "To answer your question, one I don't know any Sultan and two it's only fair since we both want to know who this other person is." I explained.
"If you don't know who the Sultan is you must be new around here. Listen carefully, we are in the prison of the Sultan's castle. Many children like myself were sent here as payment to the Sultan. You sound female so you should be safe for now." he explained "Wait... what do you mean? What does me being female has got to do with anything?" I asked "He only prefers males. That is all that I will explain to you." he mumbled. I remained quiet and tried to process all this new information. "You still there?" he asked suddenly.
I gasp on shock since I was so caught up with my thoughts. "Yes... I'm still here." I whispered back. "I know that it's scary here but don't worry... I'll protect you." he proclaimed. I snapped my head in the direction of his voice in shock. "Protect me? Why? You barely know me." I said in shock. "Your a little girl all alone here in this castle. It doesn't matter if I know you or not. Someone should protect you." he explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You don't have to protect someone like me." I said shakingly.
"Someone like you? Why would you say that?" he asked. I didn't answer him back only staring down at the floor in shame. "Would it help if I told you my name?" he asked me. I still answered him with silence until I answered with a meek "Yes.".
"My name is Vlad. What is your name?" he asked. "My name is Lyall." I whispered back "Lyall? This is an interesting name. Well Lyall since we exchaged our names will you show yourself to me? I won't hurt you." he asked me with a little bit of a begging noise in his voice. I hesitated for a moment but started walked slowly in a direction where I guessed he would be. "Well Vlad your name is definelty interesting to. Unfortanly you have to keep tell me where you are since I'm blind." I explained with my hands out trying to find him. "Blind? Why didn't you tell me before? I can make out your figure just keep walking straight. You'll be under the moonlight." he explained.
"Why did I say that? And why am I listening to him?! He won't see me anyway. Idiot!" I shouted at myself in my head. I didn't answer his question and just did what he told me. Once I felt the moonlight on my skin I stopped and let my arms fall to there sides. Then I heard a sharp gasp and the rattling of chains like he was standing up real quickly. "He can see me?!" I thought with panic. I felt his eyes penetrating my skin and started fidgeting under his gaze. "What are you? You cannot be human. Your too beautiful to be one." he asked suddenly with a sigh.
I was shocked by the compliment. No one has ever said that to me before."Whatever you want me to be...But I am not beautiful." I whispered with a blush dusting my cheeks. I hugged myself, feeling very self conscious.
"You are beautiful. To me you are a Inger." he said huskily.
Inger- Angel