Karla Rowain's pov
We held each other in the dark of the room my arms around his shoulders his around my waist when we kissed, it started out as soft as our previous one before we let ourselves go to need, he began to grope me shyly at first but growing rougher by the second while I slipped my hands into his shirt feeling the smooth contors of his well defined muscles then suddenly I heard a rip and tear as he tore open the back of my dress I yelleped a bit in shock before finding myself just as daring I ripped open his shirt exposing his chest and muscles to me and began to kiss and lock every inch I could find moving slowly but deftly from his collar and stopping just below his navel, enjoying the sound of his moans, he flag away the last of my clothing exposing the daring lingerie I had worn underneath for the occasion and swept me off my feet carrying me to the bed, he placed me on top gently before bringing his lips to mine and running a finger over my body from my chin down my throat passing in between my boobs and landing on black panties I had on, he began to stroke me there as I struggled to maintain composure everytime he moved his fingers, he slipped another hand into my bra and began to grope and play with my breast especially my nipple before shocking me once again by ripping my panties furiously fingering my exposed genitals, it seems he had picked up some tricks in preparation for tonight but I wasn't going to lose so easily, I stretched my hand out and found what I was looking for with his trousers
"my turn"
I said as I pushed my self on top of him and placing kisses all over his body I stooped right at the hem of his trousers, using my teeth I opened them up and sprang free hard as it could possibly be, I driblled some saliva onto my hand and cupped it giving it slow pumps while watching his face shift in ecstasy I removed my hands only long enough to free my breasts and leaned in and kissed him before shifting to his collarand and when our eyes met I placed him in, and electrifying feeling spread through my body, he was big and I was inexperienced, tears welled up at the corner of my eyes as I tried to look away but he instead places his hands on my face whispering
"it's okay, it's okay"
I kissed him again with he inside me, we stayed like that for a few moments before I finally found the courage to move, I slowly grinded on him getting adjusted to his girth holding back sharp moans mixed with pain and pleasure the more I moved the more the pain dissipated and gave way to pleasure before you onow it I was frantically grinding on him trying to get more of the sensation when his powerful hands grabbed my sides and raised me up ever so slowly before slamming me back down on his erect member, this time there was no pain, only pleasure, we settled down into a rhythm slow at first but constantly getting faster and I found my self wondering how I hadn't done this before, this was the greatest experience of my life, he turned me over to my side and and lifted one of my legs and with his lips on mine he began to pound me, I kissed him deeper so as not to allows the sound of my moans escape but they still found there way out as I felt my self getting close
he said as he released inside me and with that I broke as well reaching a climax I never even thought possible, we lay there together watching each other pant still reeling from the experience when he looked into my eyes and said
"wanna go again"
and after a quick clean up again we went this time I started off with the mouth skills I had perfected fo the occasion and surprisingly he had picked up a similar set of skills, I wanted to ask where he practiced but another orgasm shut me up and like that we went using different styles and positions that if my father found out I was using he'd have a stroke but that was not my concern, all that mattered to me was the man ravishing me right now
Caleb illionis pov
I woke up as content as can be, my beloved by my side still sleeping with a smile of bliss on her face her beautiful red hair fanning out like flames that danced in the morning light I knew I had things to do but recinded myself to watching this work of art for a little while longer a woman of beauty grace and intelligence unmatched, a woman who was now my wife, several times i had met with her in my life and each time I found thought myself lucky but I was now sure that nothing else in my life would top the feeling I got when she said I do except maybe holding our children in my hands with the way we went at it last night I wouldn't be surprised if she was pregnant, I took a quick nap and woke to the sight of her back facing a dresser as she fixed up her face in the mirror she wore a red night dress that increased the intensity of my morning wood, I walked to her back and grabbed her boobs from behind my shaft pocking her but instead of surprise she replied with
"it seems your awake, both of you"
before turning her head backwards to catch her lips in mine, we kissed for while as I rubbed her nipples through her attire and she stroked my erection that was out in the open
'wanna go again I asked'
she replied by pushing me towards the bed and began to trace a line of kisses down my neck my chest stomach and landing on my crotch which she proceeded to lick once then shove the entire thing down her throat then began bobbing up and down with surprising fluidity, I groaned in bliss and suprise I still wondered where she was able to gain such skills and I hoped it was with toys just as I had, as I was about to reach my limit a loud banging coming from the door distracted me, I decided to ignore it when a fantic voice I recognised came from the other side
"your majesty, your majesty please open the door"
it was the voice of Pluto one of my most loyal retainers, someone who I had trusted with my feelings for Karla before we got together and had helped me in progressing our relationship several times he was someone I trusted and if he was here right now whatever he came to say had to be important,
'it seems I'll have to answer him'
I said to my wife, once Karla had noticed the door she had increased her intensity determined to make me burst before I had to answer the door, she released me then pouted when noticing her failure, even with saliva dripping down her mouth she managed to look cute, I grabbed a towel and opened the door, Pluto nearly fell as he stumbled inside before shouting
"Don, a Don"
he was breathing heavily but that abruptly stopped when he noticed the state his crown prince and princesse were in he turned red instantly realising what he had walked in on,
I had to asked him again
'Pluto what is the matter'
"a Don your grace, a Don is asking that you return the princesse of Rowian that you kidnapped"
we all said one by one starting with me and ending with Pluto the bearer of weird news, I asked for the details which Pluto gave as best as he could, from what he overheard a Don was given the quest to rescue and return Rowains only princess from the kingdom of Illionis by the Rowian royal family and he was in the conference hall as we speak,
I looked to my wife and wondering what she thought of this but before I could ask she replied,
"don't care I've already chosen who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with"
that was the only answer I needed
I said and travelling clothes suddenly appeared on our person's
'let's go'
amd with that we rushed out of the room heading to wherever santuraty was.