There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.
Their are three types of jedi each with their own perpose and special task's we will be talking about the three core types sentinel, counselor, and knight I will be explaining what they do and how they are differnt aswell as their lightsaber colors and unique traits
counselor Green is the color known for wisdom and supiority in the force
knight Blue is the color of pride and honor they show dominates in battle
sentinel Yellow is the color of patience and order they show supiority of all other jedi
The jedi sentinel posses an abilitie called force heal this abilitie is stronger with sentinels do to their high force attunement because of this its more effective but has a higher risk they injury can bounce back on to the user
The knights show strength and pride in battle aswell as superior strategy in combat and limetless loyalty when treated right
Counselors show great strength in the force and are known for unlocking powerfull force abilities though the counselors dont see much combat their roles are just as important they must keep track of every event that happends