Hey guys I am going to be editing the first chapter and going from the so please bare with me.
Chapter One: Old Memories
*6am at the Leaf Village in a little cottage near the border*
???- "Naruto....Naruto....NARUTO GET UP", a pink haired girl would yell trying to get her teammate up. "One more minute Sakura-chan he would reply." She had been trying to get him up for the past hour; so she was already annoyed by his antics. She had now yelled again, but this time it was with authority and a threat; "NARUTO YOU WILL GET YPUR LAZY BUTT UP NOW OR I WILL KICK IT ALL THE WAY TO TSUNADE-SAMA'S OFFICE!" The scared boy was up before you could say two bits and pepper. FINALLY, Sakura thought as she sighed in relief; but Naruto was thinking something totally different, he thought *Jeez Sakura-chan can be SUPER scary when she is mad.*
*About 20 minutes later at the Hokage's office*
"???- Come in." They two siblings walked into the office. "Sorry were late Tsunade-sama some knuckle head", said while glaring intensely at the scared Naruto standing next to her. Although he did apologize it was in away that agitated the Hokage. He replied with, "Yeah sorry granny." This had angered the hokage so in return Naruto had got punched through two walls and a desk. After Naruto had painfully made his way back to the office he decided it would be best for him to shut up and listen to what had to be said. After Shizune, Tsunades assistant calmed her down she began to explain why they were their. " So I have called you two here because y'all are the strongest shinobi (Ninja) in the leaf village. But before I give you the details on the mission and need you to sware that you will not tell a soul outside this room about what I am about to say." The two siblings looked at each other and nodded. "Okay great so I am sending you on a very dangerous and important S-rank mission. The mission involves spying on the Akatsuki." Both Naruto and Sakura flipped "AKATSUKI," they yelled. (The Akatsuki is an organization based on world peace until a fatal accident happened to one of the founders and they went bad and now are focused on capturing byjuis/tailed beasts, and the reason Sakura and Naruto flipped was because Naruto was the holder of nine tails/kyubi.) "Yes now shut your traps." Tsunade said. "As I was saying you mission involves spying on the Akatsuki to see why they are after Naruto. So here's the plan, Sakura you will go and locate the Alatsuki base and report back to the village immediately. Then and only then Naruto can leave the village with you and you can stay and spy. Sakura you have two days to find the base and report back we will have hourly reports to make sure you are okay. We also have information on a group of Akatsuki members that are headed this way now we think for Naruto, this group consists of Itachi Uchiha and his partner Kisame Hoshigaki. If you don't have any questions go pack and be gone in 30 minutes." "Hai." The two siblings nodded and left the office. Once Sakura got home she went straight to her room to pack. About halfway done she heard a faint knock on her door she saw Naruto with a worried face and asked what's wrong but she immediately regretted it when she heard what he said. "Sakura-chan are you sure you will be okay going on this mission you know with your past with Itachi and all." Naruto sounded really sincere, but his words hit Sakura like a door bell. *A little bit of recap* ( Sakura and Itachi were ex-teammates and ex-lovers. Naruto was a lot younger than Naruto at the time. She was put on Itachi's team because of her amazing skill at such a young age. After a couple years on his team they developed feelings each other and started dating and later on got engaged. Until, Itachi murdered his clan and up and left her high and dry. Well that was until a couple moths ago when she had fought the Akatsuki trying to save their friend Gaara who was their friend and the kazekage of his village but he was kidnapped because he was a jinchuriki (holder of a tailed beast) when battling the Akatsuki team of two consisting of Sasori Akasuna and his teammate Deidara. Well anyways during the battle she heard Itachi joined the Akatsuki. After Itachi left her she never showed her feeling again and this is what hurt Naruto the most. She was also wondering if she would be okay but she sucked it up for Naruto and put on a fake smile and said she would be fine. Naruto realized this but didn't say anything Sakura still saw the worry on his face and handed him a bracelet she said "If ever i be in trouble this will blink like crazy and lead you to me." After seeing Naruto was relived she got her things and left the village hoping to get this journey over with quickly and with a bonus of not running into her ex-boyfriend. Even when she left she couldn't get her mind off of Itachi he had hurt her so bad that she trained under the holage because she believed if she was strong then she could never be hurt again. She even built up a reputation as the most dangerous ninja known as the Bloody Cherry.
Thank you so much for reading and please bare with i am so sorry it took so long i was busy and overwhelmed with school but if you want me to continue please comment thanks so muchđź’ž