Photos of the Phoenix (DM romance)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter~1


A Phoenix is a magical bird used in Greek mythology. The bird is most known for its ability to regenerate or be born again. They rise from their ashes of death and becomes their once fiery red-orange, and golden yellow colors-

"Elora. . .Elora. . .for crying out loud, Elora!" My eyes snapped up from my book. They were met with an annoyed Daphne Greengrass. Her piercing green eyes were covered with a few strands of blonde hair staring back at me.

"What?" I questioned the pale gal.

"Seriously? I have been talking to you for the past five minutes. We are almost at Hogwarts." She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, what were you talking about?"

"Were you really not listening to a word we were saying?" She huffed. I raised an eyebrow at her. We? I looked to the left of Daphne to see a dark-skinned boy sitting next to her. Quite handsome. A buzz cut, black hair, and brown eyes. I knew this tall man and his scent of honey oats. Blaise Zabini. I guess I didn't notice him come in and sit with us.

"She was too interested in her bird book." Blaise's elegant English voice spoke out.

"What do you see in those hideous things?" Daphne questioned.

I chuckled, "They aren't hideous and I like them. Mother use to draw a Phoenix in every painting of hers." At the mention of my mother, Daphne looked down, "Daph, it's ok it's been 2 years."

"It's not ok EJ. No child should have to witness death." Daphne spoke with her eyes glossing over. My mother was like another mother to Daphne. I know she was really hurt by mum's passing.

"EJ?" Blaise asked chuckling in order to get rid of the tension.

"Yeah, for Elora James. It''s Daphne's stupid name for me." I explained. Daphne rolled her eyes.

Blaise let out a small laugh, "I like it." I smiled up at him. I'm not really sure why he's being so nice to me. He has never spoken to me before.

We sat in silence as the train passed the medieval-style castle. My home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Hogwarts Expressed stopped at the platform where Hagrid would be waiting for the first years. I shot up and grabbed my trunk as Blaise and Daphne did the same. "I'm gonna go find Malfoy and Goyle." Blaise rushed as he kissed Daphne on the cheek and exited the compartment we were sitting in.

"Soooooo. . .you and Blaise huh?"

"Oh shove off. We just started dating." Daphne rolled her eyes.

"Oh really? You never thought to tell your Best Friend?" I glared at her.

"I tried to owl you, but Madam Brown probably took my letters."

"Hm, fine I believe you and I'm happy for you and Blaise." I hugged Daphne. She's my best friend. If she's happy I'm happy; the only thing that truly worried me is the group Blaise hangs with. He hangs with the death eaters' kids, and although he isn't a death eater; I don't want Daphne to hang with the wrong crowd.

"I'm surprised he even talked to me. " I spoke to break the silence.

"Well, he isn't like Malfoy and the other Slytherins," she explained.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just everyone seems to have a "thing" for me, probably cause I'm a mudblood."

"Don't call yourself that. You are the first muggle-born to ever be sorted into Slytherin. That is something you should be proud of." Daphne snapped.

In the wizarding world blood status is a big thing. The purebloods are like wizard royalty, as all the half-bloods are common folk, us muggle-born witches and wizards are the less fortunate. Seen as the lowest rank in the world of magic; our blood is "dirty" or "tainted" giving us the name mudblood used by purebloods.

Although I'm a muggle-born witch. I am below the lowest muggle-borns. Simply because I am an orphan. No parents. No money. No home. No family. . .No love. But only Daphne knows of my status and I tend to keep it that way.


We got off the train and walked to the carriages. The carriages would lead us to Hogwarts, but these carriages were strange because it seemed nothing was pulling them. It seemed like they moved on their own, but I knew that wasn't true. I could see them. I could see the Thesrals pulling the carriages. They were like black boned skeleton horses that puffed black smoke out of their nostrils.

Despite their gloomy look, I brushed my hand against the Thesral that was carrying our carriage. According to Luna Lovegood, only those who have witnessed death can see the Thesrals.

"I always knew she was crazy." I heard a whisper behind me.

"Not the time Goyle." Blaise's voice utters also behind me. I whipped my head around to see what they were talking about. Of course, their eyes were fixed on me. I must have looked crazy to them, petting the air.

"What ya petting there James?" Goyle poked at me.

"N-n-nothing. I was just-"

"Just what mudblood?" He spat as he walked closer to me, "How dare you speak to me."

"You asked a question Goyle. I am answering it." I spluttered back.

He began to get red in the face, "Don't get all flustered over this wench." A deep elegant voice spoke loud over us.

My eyes widen when I snapped my head to him. The tall, pale-skinned boy stood in a black suit. His platinum blonde hair and gray eyes made him stand out from the crowd, but despite his attractive looks; beneath he was cold-hearted. Draco Malfoy.

"That's not really kind Malfoy," Daphne added.

"Didn't ask, but ok." He smirked. His silvery eyes now looking straight at me as he inched closer.

With him just an inch or two away from me; he bent down to my 5'5 height and spit, "Filthy Mudblood." This is our 6th year at Hogwarts and you would think he would've matured, but no. Still the same slimy git from first year.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but big mouth Malfoy will never hurt me." I smiled at him.

"Is that what the muggles say?" He snickered.

I nodded confidently, "Something along those lines."

"While I know one word that will hurt" He leaned to my ear and whispered, "Cedric."

I felt my heart sink. "That's enough Malfoy." Daphne tugged my arm. Draco smirked one last time before turning around and walking away. Crabbe, Blaise, and Goyle all following him like puppies.

"I'm sorry EJ." Daphne kissed my cheek.

"Let's just go." And with that, we both got into the carriage and were off to Hogwarts.



hey beautiful! Thank you for reading! There's so much more ahead and I hope you

stick around on this journey.

Follow me on Instagram @Isabella_metternick  for sneak peeks, updates, and share your ideas. I want to build this story together. Ask and shall receive

Till next time bye love!