The Iustitia: The Beginning of the division

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Chapter 1 - The animano era

When the palace of "La moneda" was bombed, I couldn't believe that a human being commit such atrocity in order to rise to power, that day I was visiting my father that upon hearing the news on television, didn't hesitate to say "It was about time someone put order in this country", although both we were militants of the same side, I was from that small group that considered violence wasn't the right path for change, ironic, now I'm the one who bombed the building, if my father were alive to witness how I destroyed what our people built, surely he would take away my last name, although he doesn't have to bother, now that I joined the animanos I have the right to carry a new name.

— I knew that I could foun you here.

— What do you want know? —every visit from Veronica means more responsabilities.

— A representative of the Aniamanos National Council came to meet with us.

It was to be expected, the bosses come to give us news instructions, first we assasinated the dictator with a bombardment and we devastated the country with his troops, I suppose its time to put order to all this chaos.

A car come to pick us up, from the palacer "La Moneda" we go parade ground, on the way I observe through the window how civilians are taken by the animanos armed forces, their desfigured bodies generate rejection to me, people, if they are you can call them that way, with antennas instead of eyes, others with horse waist that hold weapons in their hands, others are fliying in te sky, they are true monstruosities, then I realize that I have allowed these creatures to rule our country.

— Do you also feel that we made a mistake? —Veronica ask me from the front seat.

If it were someone else, I'd be surprised if they knew what I'm thinking— If we didn't do it, someone else was going to do it.

Veronica turns around to look me in the eyes— This country was destined for ruin, we are saving it.

I keep my mocking smile to myself, how many times do I hear that same thing before carrying out the coup d'etat— Do you think we can make a difference? —I look in at the civilians— I only see terror in them , all they know is that they are now ruled by monsters, even we are not sure that they will keep their word to preserve our lives.

— Of course they will —I would love to have his confidence— they seek to govern not to annhilate, if they wanted us dead, they could have launched the nuclear bombs thar Rusian and the United States possessed, instead carried out an occupation with the least possible violence.

When we got to the parade ground we found thousand of soldiers surrounding the place, houndreds more guarding the surrounding areas, people with wings or bird limbs fliying overhead, in the center of everything there is a podium with the representative of the ANC (Animanos National Council) behind him are five chairs, three are already occupied, television cameras and journalist are in front of the podium, it's impossible for them to hide their fear and I understand them, I who am the ally fear for our destiny.

— Look what to make us wait —Samuel claims.

— Itsn't that bad —Octavio defends me with his characteristic good humor— we all have bussines to attend to.

— More important than this day? —he crosses his arms indignantly— we are making history, after this event our names will be inmortalaized.

Hearing him say that makes me wonder how they will remember us in the future. The traitors of humanity? The pioneers of the change? Yet another group that tried to seize power? Sitting in my position and rambling, I recieve an elbow from Leticia.

— We have to stand up —she whispers to me as she gets up.

With the five standing still, the message from ANC representative begins.

— The Animanos National Council has watched over Chile for years, we hacer seen how under the hand of a tyrant who took power by force, they are victims of continuos assassinations and disappearances.

Although you are human and we are animanos, it is impossible for us to sit idly by watching how such abuses are comitted, that is why today we have ended that governmet of terror to offer you a new future, one in wich you are able to roam trough the streets without fear of curfew, a future that will give them the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

This is why we invite all Chileans who are listening to me not to be affraid, we are their friends, the enemy died in the palace stained in the blood the just, we promise that from the hand of our five assigned to the country we will achieve may both sides prosper.

When I mention their names, I invite you to take a step forward and day a few words to the country you have sworn to safeguard, Leticia Metum.

We all applaud as she walks to the podium— I appreciate the trust that the Animanos National Council has placed in me, we all want a safe Chile, with opportunities for growth and we the Metum family, will make sure that is so.

Again we applaud to supports his words, the next to be called is Octavio Vindicta who at 78 years old needs my help to reach the podium, I hope that in 10 years I can be in better conditions than him.

— If life has thaugh me something, it is that we are all children of the same God and therefore we deserve similar treatment.

Samuel Supplicium makes a face of annoyance at the words of the oldest of us all, then it his turn to speak— This country is marked by massacres, our conquerors took care of it, but the important thing is we never stop fighting against injustice and we will make sure that no mass murderer runs this country again.

— Thas why he can't rule by himself" —Veronica Caedes whispers to me, then she laughs as if she said it as a joke, when she got up she exchanged a look of apathy with Samuel, being in the place to speak , she cleared his throat— Chilean families , we hava finished with the darkest period in our contry and hand in hand with the five of us we will walk towards a better future —place her hands as if begging to someone— give us the opportunity to show you that we are the salvation of this nation.

I stand up while applaud, Veronica has that smile of having a perfect performance, I just think that my hands are sweating— As mentioned, my name is Eusebio Iustitia, my father was one of the main accomplices of the coup d'etat and you saw me in his side, I apologize for not having rebelled before, but as soon as there was an opportunity to end the tiranny, I didn't hesitate to take it, al we wants its the best for the land where we live and we will dedicate our lives to seek for it.

After that last round of applause the press conference ends, we all get into a limousine along with the representative who look at us proudly.

— It has been an excellent mesagge to the country.

— Not everyone will be happy —Samuel warns— we should start preparing for an answer.

— We will see that —the representative clarifies— now we will talk about the next step —we all pay atention to what is about to be said— you will be in charge of building a wall that separates the country into territory of humans and animanos