Chereads / D&D Based Game Rule/Stats / Chapter 2 - RPG Based Table Top Stats/ Status Explanation

Chapter 2 - RPG Based Table Top Stats/ Status Explanation


Hp: Health Points, use the following equation to calculate yours. (Vit x 20) + (End x 10).

Sp: Special Power, use the following equation to calculate yours. (Int x 20) + (Str x 10).

Stamina Bar: Note when using this equation, the two sections count also as two separate bars. When you use Endurance stamina your depleting long-term stamina. When you use Sta, stamina then you're using the short-term bar. The short-term bar is used first. Then the long-term bar. The bar is broken down as such. (End x 10) + (Sta x 30)

Str: Strength, the physical might of a warrior and deals with damage for melee combat and strength checks for certain obstacles.

Agi: Agility, the physical speed you can run at max and deals with certain checks involving outrunning threats and sneak attack damage vs. Dexterity score of the opposition.

Dex: Dexterity, reaction speed of a person in various situations to respond accordingly, this also deals with your handiwork and can be used in making traps and crafting.

Vit: Vitality, a stat used to resist disease, increase lifeforce based pools of energy and boost health.

End: Endurance, the physical and mental length of time that you can deal with certain troubles, stress, and the length you can do so on a longer term. If you go past your stamina bar into the Endurance portion and you run out. You face exhaustion-based penalties. How well you resist normal attacks over time.

Con: Constitution, base natural defense to resist base physical damage of enemy characters. Ex. Lowers slash damage but not bleeding damage, also lowers poison and acid damage.

Sta: Stamina, the physical length of time you can perform physical based acts based to combat, warning if you run out of mana or other mental based energies this gets cut in half under a temporary status effect.

Int: Intelligence, how fast a person may learn certain concepts and gain a level 1 skill in certain scenarios like a skill book check. Affects MP, although this isn't just magic, but a basic energy for certain abilities to activate. Particular energy like Mana is more effective and reduces cost.

Wis: Wisdom, the ability to deduce and make the best decision with a given amount of information. A wise leader might be needed in times of trouble. Ability to resist basic magic better.

Ing: Ingenuity, how well a person can put together various crafts in their head. Crafting uses this as a stat check for the intellectual side of things.

Per: Perception, While it's true you can see everything. It takes people extraordinary skill to notice the small things that need to be noticed. This stat represents checks for noticing particular things in a purposeful manner.

Ins: Instincts, this is the ability to take in information subconsciously and use it to replace wisdom or perception in times of need. Note instinct might not always be the best choice. It'll just potentially let you give a better one.

Cha: Charisma, the charm you hold towards other people, this eases how fast you gain reputation with various people/groups.

Luc: Luck, affects available loot drop tables giving different variable loot drop tables for different people who roll.


REG: Regeneration, a stat cluster that deals with how fast various energies, health, and stamina regenerate. Some clusters of this skill also affect various cooldowns of skills. Regeneration is based on every 4 turns of play. Only exception would be skills, class, or perks that make exceptions to this.

Def: Defense, your clothing/Armour's stat for protecting you every point. Each point in this stat grants a +5 Armour effect to reduce the damage taken from an attack. As such an attack with 30 points of damage with 1 Def would instead do 25 Hp of damage to the target.

ATK: Attack, your weapons ability to kill by boosting your damage. Every point in this stat increases damage by 5 points. This means an attack of 30 would be boosted to 35.


Dun: Dungeon, A stat specifically for dungeons. Like SW this creates a limit on your dungeon level and grants bonus dungeon points to be used on various designs in a dungeon.

Res: Resistance, the damage resistance of a character towards different based things. This stat will come in different variations for different types of resistances.

-TEM-Tempering Res: A stat to help prevent the alteration of a dungeon. If a sufficiently strong enemy does damage to your dungeon directly. Your space will take longer to fix itself. The stronger the enemy the longer the effects. Allows the fighting of trapmasters. Stat can also be used by individuals to prevent the effect of certain rituals from working on them if they specify that they wish to with this stat.

-ALT- Alteration Resistance. Prevents the deletion or alteration of doodle based drawings/individuals through "drawing based weaponry".

-RAD-Radiation Resistance. Prevents radiation from affecting the individual's growth. Useful for creatures like plants that use quick growth as their movement.

Nen: Nen, various abilities created by the soul given to 6 types of categories.

SW: Soul Weapon, after character soul awakening its possible to roll for a weapon. The weapons bonus stat points to spread are determined by this stat. Also the weapons level limit is related to this stat. This is why divine weapons are so important.

Mag: Magic, a mental based energy that can be used to do mysterious actions.

Ki: Ki, a physical energy used to enhance a person's strength. Can also be used on the air to create various shaped power blasts.

Chak: Chakra, A Physical/ Mental energy that can only perform particular sets of powers but in return gains the ability of Ki to slightly physically enhance a person's strength.

Qi: Qi, A type of Divine energy that can be used to perform various divine acts. This type of energy needs hundreds of years to properly develop unless your in a cultivation world.

Aura: Energy pool granted by the lifeforce of a planet mixed with your own. (Int x 20) + (Vit x 10) + (100)


"Defect- Get a -2 to a chosen stat."

"Common- No benefits. No deductions."

"Upper Class- Gain +1 to a chosen stat."

"Royal- Gain +2 to any chosen stat."

"Mythic-Gain 3 stat points total between any 3 stats."

"Divine-Gain 5 stat points total between any 3 stats."