Chereads / Blood runs in Miami / Chapter 1 - introduction and Prologue

Blood runs in Miami

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Chapter 1 - introduction and Prologue


Hello my name is Elizabeth Starsgaurd, I suppose I should introduce myself and tell you a bit about myself before we start my story, people would say I was a good girl gone bad before I was changed and while that is true it's also not entirely correct, I am five foot nine with an hour glass figure with nice breasts if I do say so myself and I do, I have black mid back length hair with sea blue eye that I have been told are take me to bed eyes but I'm not sure if that's just what the guys say to get in my panties, anyway I digress the reason people say I went bad is the fact I rebelled against my parents because I went and got myself a tattoo of a cat on my wrist, oh boy you should of heard the argument me and my dad had over that some say you could hear it from the drive way, but that has nothing on the hissy fit my mother had about my belly piercing I swear she went purple in anger, ah looking back on it now I'm glad she didn't see the nipple piercings, now where was I, oh yeah the things I did 'rebelling' I did street racing almost from the second I got my license, I blame my dad for my love of fast cars but if he knew that he would roll over in his grave, but he is to blame for a few things like that for example my love of guns and fighting I know he always wanted a son don't get me wrong he loved me but we did loads of things a dad and his son would do, not that I'm complaining I love doing those things just as much as I like my makeup and heels, now your thinking what kind of upbringing and job do I have to support my lets say hobbies well my dad owned a few hotels and stuff but when he passed he sold his shares and left me it in his will now before you brandish your pitchforks and torches I do work as a freelance designer, granted my dads connections helped me get off the ground when one of his big wig friends spotted one of my designs if I remember right it was for a perfume bottle, since then I have done designs for anything from phones to super cars I'm really proud of that one, oh and everyone other than my parents call me Ellie.


Rolling out of bed as my alarm goes off in the morning I quickly put on my cat pyjamas and do my morning ritual and yes my pyjamas do have cats on them and yes the hood dose have cat ears don't judge to much, I head down stairs to start making Christmas dinner for me and my boyfriend, but before I do that I turn on all the lights on my tree normally my mother would do this but this will be my first one without them, as they died almost eight months ago so, as I head to the kitchen I blow a kiss to my mothers and fathers picture the hangs over the fireplace, getting in to the kitchen I scroll though my phone for some music that I can listen to while I make my breakfast and morning coffee, its black with two sugars if you must know I'm not some heretic who put milk in my coffee, getting all the things out to make myself some pancakes I mix the batter or what ever you call it and as I'm doing it I'm singing and dancing like no one is watching because I can, once I have the right amount of pancakes made I get my preferred fillings which is maple syrup and chocolate spread, not mixed I'm not a monster after all and its 2 of each, I sit down at my kitchens island so I can chow down on my food as I do I begin flicking though my social media apps and stalking various people well not so much stalking as researching them, ah who am I kidding its soft core stalking.

As I am doing this, I get a text from Danny my boyfriend I smile at seeing him but before I read the message, I head over to the coffee pot to get a refill, turning and heading from the pot of the god's nectar I look at the message Danny sent me.

[Its over I am breaking up with you and going back to Stacy, so I do not want your food]

I drop my coffee on to the floor shattering the mug as my hand flies to my mouth, with tears in my eyes I shakingly dial his number to get the reason he is going back to that two-dollar whore, anger begins to boil my blood as I wait for him to pick up and when he doses, I hear his voice.




"Why are you leaving me?"


"me and Stacy have worked out our differences and she is a better shag than you"


"only because you couldn't find a g spot even if you where given a map and written instructions then again you couldn't last long enough to get me off even if you could find it!"

I hang up the phone as I say this and throw my phone across the kitchen and slump down against the counters, I am not to proud to say I cried, I'm not to proud to say that I also decided to start drinking whiskey before ten am in the morning, so I got up from my puddle of misery and went do the drinks cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Dalmore Trinitas it is a common misconception that there was only three bottles made as there are many and I have ten bottles and I'm going to brag a bit here each one costs, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars each, yeah I didn't really need to tell you all the price but fuck it, cracking open the bottle I commit a grievous sin and take a swig straight out of the bottle, I wince at the slight burn as it heads down to my stomach.

I jerk open my freezer door and jam my head into it and look around for what ever will take the least time to cook and the thing that I need to pay the least attention to, spotting a pizza jammed in there I pull it out and like its destiny a tub of ice cream fall out with it, I scoop up the ice cream and put it on the side next to my drink while I clean up the mess I made when I dropped my coffee, I should kill him for making me drop the good stuff, anyway I clean up and fire up my speakers that are dotted around my home and crank it up and flop down on my sofa with a spoon the ice cream tub and my whiskey and begin my filling my face with the booze and ice cream.

I reach for my bottle and lift it to my mouth when nothing drops in to my mouth I scowl and move to get up off the floor which I have no clue how I got there in a panic I look around for my ice cream tub and let out a sigh when I find it upside down but empty, struggling to my feet with the bottle still clutched in my hand I notice that my music has stopped playing so with an annoyed grunt I head to my now cracked phone but before I can work out my own pass to unlock my phone, I hear knocking at the front door, and like a complete fool I stumble my way to the door and without looking I unlock the door, swinging the door open I'm greeted by a tall broad shouldered man, I open my mouth to speak.


"who the hell are you?"

Or at least that is what I think I said he didn't respond he just lunged at me, my instincts kick in, kind of at least as I half fall and half dodge in to the sitting room, I turn and get ready to defend myself, but he moves to fast for my drunk ass to follow and he grabs my pyjamas top and pull me to him I bring my knee up to smash his crown jewels to a fine paste well that was the plan, but he knocks my other leg from under me and we topple backwards I sharp pain ripples though my head is it hits the side table but I don't even get time to shout from the pain, but he lands on top of me taking my breath, he smiles and I see what look like fangs, but that is the least of my problems as he pins me down by sitting on my hips, with one swift motion he tears my top open baring me to the world as I never got dressed from this morning, somehow I kept hold of the bottle and while he his staring at my breasts I smash said bottle to the side of his face, it shatters and blood begins running down the side of his face and with a shout he punches me and I feel my nose brake and start bleeding.

Stranger one

"bitch for that ill have even more fun with you"

While I'm still only just clinging to consciousness I feel my bottoms get ripped off, as they come of I hear the zipper of a pair of jeans open and my fight and flight reflex kicks in a gain and I do everything I can to stop him but with each hit he just laughs at me, he grabs my wrists and pins them above my head and he leans in close and licks the blood coming from my nose without thinking I smash my head forward on to is nose, he moves my wrist to one of his hands and when he got a free hand he hits me a gain and again, the taste of my own blood fills my mouth and I spit it in to his face but he just wipes it off his face and licks it off, I scrunch my face in disgust, he looks in to my face as I keep struggling, his free hand moves from my chin down between breasts and over my stomach and over my pussy then nothing for seconds in till I feel some him spit on me and start working his spit in to my entrance then he shifts closer and I feel his cock push in, in one brutal push I cry out in pain and tears fall from my eyes and the sick fuck leans in and licks my tears, something catches his eyes and he turns his head in I see that I have almost cut his ear off when I hit him with the bottle and I lunge forward and latch on to its with my mouth and begin to pull so I don't have to let go to spit I just swallow his blood, he grunts grabs my throat and squeezes making me gasp and let go, he pins my by my throat and wrists she starts moving in side me and more tears flow down the side of my face someone walks in and speaks to him.

Stranger two

"Boss they are on their way you don't really have time"

Stranger one

"A shame I love how she cries ill drink her dry and we will shoot"

With that he moves his face to my neck and bites down I let out a slight scream as he begins drinking my blood like a Capri sun within seconds everything begins going black and everything seems so far away, I feel my legs fall as he moves from me, but I do not know where he went, I could have been there for hours but suddenly, I hear another voice, but it sounds like its from the end of a tunnel.

Stranger three

"We have missed them by seconds boss"

Stranger three

"well, you see there is a girl, and she seems to be starting the transformation what do you want me to do?"

Stranger three

"Yes, boss I have some in the car but if you would send more it would help just in case"

Stranger three

"I will let you know when I know more boss"