Chapter 6 - Muted part 2

Liam's POV

"Its broken isn't it" I asked My step dad "Its broken and its my fault" Rosa squeezed my hand

"We won't know till we get the X-ray but do you want to tell me how this happened?" He asked

"I was up against to sophomore's and one of them was the captain. I was trying to impress a girl." I looked at Rosa and she blushed

"You know we say" my step dad said " play smart not hard"

"Are you mad at me?" I asked hoping he would say no

"No but your mums going to kill me for getting you into lacrosse in the first place" he said

"Oh sorry you probably really confused I'm Liam's step father" I look at Rosa who did look rather confused

"Ohh now I understand" she grinned "My names Rosa nice to meet you" she said offering her hand which my dad took

"John, nice to meet you, extremely nice since you are like the one girl Liam has ever taken a liking to. Its always lacrosse with him." He stated I shook my head, Rosa giggled

"Dad you can go now" I said really embarrassed

"But I just meet Rosa I want to ask her questions" he actually pouted, a fully grown man pouting.

"Really dad you can go now, please leave" I couldn't stress it enough

"Fine I'll be back in when its time for your X-ray. Oh and Rosa come over anytime" he said

"Sure Mr Dunbar " she answered with the cutest smile ever

"Please call me John" and with that said he left

I turned to Rosa "sorry about that he kind of gets excited sometime"

"So is it true am I the only girl you've ever shown any interest in" she ask as she brushed a stray hair behind her ear

I started to blush. Why did dad have to say that. "I-I ah um guess" I looked away so she couldn't see how tomato red my face is but I feel small smooth finger grab my chin and turn me back to look at her.

She was now sitting on the bed with me. I brought my hand up to brush her hair out of her face and left my hand on her cheek.

I leaned in and saw she had closed her eye.

We were a inch away but before I lips touch we heard a scream and we instantly pulled away

"Did you hear that?" I asked her. She nodded

"Wait here" she said and got up and started to walk to the door. As if

Rosa's POV

My heart was beating so hard I'm pretty sure everyone could hear it. When I took a step out the door I saw a guy with white glowing eyes and sharp teeth and then I was on the floor, the last thing I heard was Liam screaming my name



"You don't need to do this, whatever you are I can help you" I heard Scott say but was still enable to open my eyes

"Wendigos don't need help we need food"

When I was finally able to open my eyes I saw that I was on the roof, I saw the guy throw Liam over the side of the build, Scott trying to save Liam but the guy was holding Scott's arms so he couldn't grab him, Liam was just about to fall when Scott bit him in his alpha form.

Out of nowhere a Axe came flying through the air and smacked into the chest of the guy. I looked to see who had thrown it and saw a guy with no mouth dressed in black. He brought his finger to his mouth and walked off.

There was a bang next to me and when I turned I saw it was Liam holding his arm.

"You bit him Scott" I looked at Scott

"There was no other way he was going to fall, I had to save him" he told me

"But did you?" I asked with regret then looked at Liam, I held his hand and suddenly these black lines showed up on my hand and up

"How did you do that" Scott looked at me shocked

"What did I do?" I ask confused

"You just took his pain" Scott stated