I cried the entire night until my eyes were read and puffy. After getting inside the blanket I passed out and took the one and only train to dream land.
I turn a little and groan as I feel something soft hitting me continuously the suddenly cold liquid washed all over my face and I roll out of bed and land on the floor on mu chest.
What's all this. I hope it's a dream and what kind would this be. My eyes instantly open and I'm blinded by the lights.
Curse the person who opened the curtains.
"Who opened the curtains?"
"We did."
I looked up and find two faces looking down at me with a smirk and Maddy has a smile who Lins looks at me in worry and atfer sejng that I'm okay she sends me a half smile.
"Why do you hte me so much. Why all the torture in the morning. "
"What are you doing here early in the morning. "
"I you call 11:30 am early then I'm sure that you must be crazy."