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Blackout: Criminal Secrets

Jae Williams, an agent of the FBI, has seen a lot in her years with the government. She is sent to question a man who went on a killing spree and killed 33 people. To him the number is important, and Jae begins to wonder what in hell the psychopath is hiding. But not until he makes a ground breaking deal with her...for his apparent freedom.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1- The Shadow Master

"Williams! Go!"

I hold my gun out in front of me, running towards the warehouse door.

Drake slides in front of me, busting the door down when it doesn't budge.

Me along with the SWAT team rush inside, and I search around in the kitchen and dining room, getting a sick feeling in my stomach when I see a literal human stomach on a plate and someone's dead body next to it.

An image flashes in my mind, and I turn away quickly.

Melanie Blake. One of the missing girls. If I'm right there's at least four others in here.

"Williams! In here!"

I snap my head around, running from the kitchen and into a room where there's a small open door that seems to lead into a cellar.


I look at Drake, then Georgia, before ducking and hopping in.

I hold my gun out, pointing it around before running forwards where I see one girl tied up.

"What's your name?! Where's the rest of them?!"

She's skinny and pale, and coughs before answering.

"I-I'm Zoe. H-He tried to make me eat them—and when I said no he killed them and gutted them in front of me. Please help."

I take a step forward when I see a glimmer of something behind her, jerking my gun to the side right when someone grabs Zoe, putting a large knife to her throat.

"Williams?! Williams what's happening in there?!"

"Backup! I need backup!"

The crazed looking man with blood dripping all over himself begins laughing.

"Bring backup and I'll blow this place up with everyone in it! You're trapped...I made sure of it!"

Zoe looks at me wide eyed and I frown slightly.

"Am I going to die?! Please help!"

"Don't worry, Zoe, you're going to be okay. You're not going to die."

"You promise?!"

"I promise."

I look at the man angrily.

"Let her go. I'll do anything you want. Even give you freedom. I'll let everyone know that you were the genius behind this, alright? Give you that recognition you've always wanted, Harold Thomas."

He presses the knife into her throat and a little blood seeps from between the crevices as she lets out a yelp.

"Now we know that's not true, girlie. You're just going to throw me in prison. Which is exactly why me, you, and this little weasel are going to burn in hell!"


I pull the trigger just as he jerks the knife away, watching as he and Zoe fall onto the floor, bleeding. I jump back when he lands on a trip wire, seeing a timer begin to go off.

That's a bomb.

I look at Zoe, running and grabbing her before shoving her and myself through the small cellar door.

"5, 4, 3..."

I climb out, and Drake stares at me.

"What's going on?!"

"A bomb—move!"

I shove him out the door, jumping out of the way just in time as the house explodes, going up in flames.

The whole team goes flying backwards, and we land a few feet away with a thud.

I shakily grab my walkie talkie, breathing heavily into it.

"T-This is Agent Williams at Barkridge missing child found and the other four dead. Two members down and the house is on fire."

I cough, holding it closer to my mouth as tears run down my face.

"Bring an ambulance. I don't think she's going to make it."

I look down at Zoe, at her limo little body laying flat in my lap.

She's even paper then before and the wound in her neck looks deep.


"Zoe?! Zoe can you hear me?! Don't die on me, alright? We're going to get you help...we're going to, I promised I wouldn't let you die."

No response.

I grab her small wrist, feeling for a pulse as Georgia and Drake run over.

"Jae?! What happened?"

I start sobbing, and Georgia frowns.

"The kid, Drake. Look at her."

Drake sighs just as the paramedics come running towards us, some running over to the SWAT members while some come over to us.

A woman gently takes Zoe from my arms, and I continue to sob.

"I failed her...I said she was going to be okay..."



I jolt my head up, a pen falling from my hair.

I sit up while my heart races, a tight feeling taking over my chest.


I look down at the sheet of paper in front of me, just as I hear the door to my office open.

Georgia knocks on the door as she opens it, sliding into a chair in front of my desk.

"You don't look so's five in the morning. Have you been here all night?"

She takes a sip from her coffee cup and frowns.


"You had that dream again, didn't you? With Zoe?"

I look away with a sigh and Georgia grimaces.

"There's nothing you could've done, Jae."

She reaches out and takes my hand, rubbing it with her thumb.

"At least you got rid of Harold. He was a sick monster. Killed so many children and forced his other hostages to eat them. But it's over now. It's all over."

"Not for long."

We both snap our heads around at a familiar deep voice, and Drake stands in the doorway with a stack of files.

"Jesus! What the hell are those?!"

Drake purses his lips.

"33 murder cases that happened in a span of three days, Woolley. Come on."

His concerned eyes snap on mine for a second with a suspicious glance before he looks away, motioning we come.

Me and Georgia follow him to the conference table, where the rest of the team sit.

It's me, Jae Williams, Georgia Woolley, Drake Black, Bronwyn Gray, and Cyrus Vetrinaire.

Drake sets the files down and sits in his chair when Cyrus stands up, pointing at the board where the dump sites are, and pictures of all the victims.

"As you guys can tell, today we're dealing with a spree killer. This man, who calls himself Shadow Master, has killed exactly 33 people and dumped them all in a pile in the center of a pentagram. Obviously this is satanic, and this man has a mental issue."

Cyrus looks at all of us.

"The only thing we've seen of him is his eyes, which are blue and green. This man wears a mask, and all of his victims were women ranging from 13-20. So far we think he might be a middle aged man from this age range. We got an anonymous tip that Shadow Master would be at a park today."

I make a face.

"Does he maybe use that pseudonym for some sort of sick recognition? Usually with these killers they want to be known, but their mental instability causes them to think killing is the way to get it."

Cyrus nods.

"That makes total sense, Williams. Which is why tonight we will use a strategy to which he will think he will get fame if we take him into the station. Williams and Gray, you guys stay back to find any sort of connections between these 33 victims. Maybe even pay a visit to the morgue to see what type of wounds they have and figure out the cause of death. Me and the rest of the team are going to bring him back to the station. Good luck everybody."




I sit down, staring at the night sky.

They're coming for me, aren't they?

I've killed who I it'll be up to them to get answers.

They'll never know the reason...I'm sure of it.




"Good job, son. I thought you'd disappoint me."

I run my gloved finger up and down the freshly sharpened blade of my knife, grinning.

"I told you I'd kill them, Harold."

"Shadow Master..."

"I told you I was the master of darkness. I want to see more. I want to hear it."

"What? Their screams? Their insides? You're just like just don't target children."

I snicker under my breath.

"Unless you count that thirteen year old chick a child. I'd say she was a teenager. Her organs were fun to play with."

"What was her name?"

I scoff.

"Ara. Such a repulsive name. She was a repulsive person."

I stare at the swings, at the small girl swinging on it and the older girl on her phone behind her, pushing it every now and then.


I wonder who she's speaking to...probably a boyfriend.

My eyes move back to the child, cocking my head to the side as she laughs.

I smile.

So adorable.

So sweet.

So innocent.

My eyes move back to the older girl and my eyebrows furrow.


She smiles at something on her phone, and I smile as well.

Let's play a game, shall we?

I tuck my knife back into my jacket, ignoring my father's nagging in my head.

"What're you doing?! Don't get off track, A!"

I pull out my phone, texting her a photo with message underneath it.

Her eyes immediately widen in the dark, and she looks around before looking back at her phone.

Wanna play truth or dare?

Is what I asked.

She pushes the girl on the swing again, before texting me back.

Who is this?! How do you have my number?!

I like to call myself the Shadow Master, dearest. What do you say? I know you're bored pushing little Waverly on the swing over there...aren't you, Valerie?

How do you know my name?! My sister's name?!

I watch little weaklings like you in the dark. I change my mind. Let's play hide and seek. I find you? I gut you like a little fish.

She looks around frantically, stopping the swing before grabbing her sister's hand.

Don't fret, Val. I won't hurt you. Yet. Tell you a secret...I won't kill more than 33 people. You're just a little bit of fun. How old are you? I don't do things with minors.

I'm not telling you anything. Continue texting me and I'll block you. This is probably a prank.

I stand up, waving at her in the dark from under the small sidewalk lamp.

Her eyes snap on mine, and she lets out a small scream, pulling her sister closer to her.

That's not you, is it?! Leave us alone!

I begin typing again on my phone.

You didn't even answer my question. It's okay. I already knew. You're eighteen. Which means you aren't a minor, Valerie.

I walk closer to the park and she stands there, frozen in fear.

I stop in front of her and the little girl, squatting down to her level.

She looks at me blankly, and I smile.

"Hello, Waverly."

She smiles.

"Hi, mister!"

Valerie grips Waverly's hand, dragging her backwards.

"Leave us alone! I'll call the police!"

I stand back up, leaning into her ear.

"And I'll chop you into pieces."

I look back down at Waverly, cocking my head to the side.

"How old are you, sweetie?"

"I'm 7. Who are you?"

"I am a friend of Valerie."

I reach out my hand which she takes, and I grin at Valerie.

"Me and Waverly are going to get ice cream. How does that sound, Lee?"

She jumps up and down.

"Yay! Can I get ice cream with your friend, Val?! Please?"

She looks absolutely mortified, staring at me.

"You let my sister go. She did nothing!"

"I'm only taking her for a treat, Val! Don't be such a party pooper!"

"Yeah! What he said!"

I rub her head, and Valerie looks at me fearfully as I pick Waverly up.

She starts laughing, looking with bright eyes at her sister.

"Look it, Val! I'm flying!"

Valerie quickly pushes tears from her face, smiling.

"Yeah. You are."

As soon as she seems to accept her sister's fate, I hear a car.

What the fuck?!

No one's at this park!

"That's what I was trying to tell you, idiot!"

I ignore my father's voice once again, placing Waverly back on the ground right when I see the flashlights.

They're here.

The damn police.

I grab Valerie's wrist tightly before looking down at Waverly.

"Hey Waverly, do me a favor and go hide somewhere, okay? I'm going to count to 33 then come find you."

"Hide and seek?!"

"Hide and seek."

Waverly runs off before Valerie can say anything, and I pull my knife out, pointing it at her.

She lets out a scream, and I hear voices.

"Over there!"

I grin maliciously at her, and Valerie tries to push my arm away.

"Don't hurt me! Please!"

"It wouldn't hurt to kill one last person, would it?! You look like the perfect doll, Val."

She lets out a blood curdling scream and I start laughing as I stab her over and over again, just as someone shoots me right in the arm.

I drop her and the knife, turning around whilst still laughing.

"Look who finally found me? The po-po! It's about time, motherfuckers!"

I start laughing neurotically, and point a gun at them.

One jumps back, and my eyes snap on hers with a grin.

"What's wrong, princess? Scared? The darkness is nicer than the light..."

I grab Valerie by the hair and she lets out a choked sob.

I point the hun at her head, smiling.

"Move another muscle and I'll put a bullet in her pretty head. You wouldn't want to ruin her pretty face with her own blood, would you?"

A man steps out in front of everyone else, dropping his gun in front of him.

"Drop your weapon and we'll drop ours, Shadow Master."

I cock my head to the side.

"Oh. You know me?"

"Yes. And everyone will know who you are if you come with me."

I roll my eyes.

"That's what they all say, dude. You sound like my old man."

I drop Valerie and point the gun at him, smiling.

"Any last words, bastard?" My face contorts in anger. "You should all rot in hell for killing my father."

He holds his hand up in surrender.

"So that's what this is about? Your father? Who even is your father, son?"

I scoff.

"Don't call me that."

He sighs.

"You just want to be loved, do you? Your father neglected you, and this is how you express your pain? Inflicting it on others? He also beat you, didn't he?"

I glare at him.

"How did you know that?"

The man motions I drop the gun.

"Come with us, son. Please."

I roll my eyes.

"You're going to send me to prison."

I make a move to turn around and someone fires, shooting me right in the leg.

I fall onto the floor and two of them run over, one holding me down while the other secures handcuffs on my wrists.

"You aren't getting away with killing those 33 women, Shadow Master."

I laugh, wheezing before laughing again.

"Ahh...I don't think you understand! I already have!"




"Williams. Come."

I look up from my papers to see Drake, who looks more worried than usual.

"What's wrong? You caught the Shadow Master, didn't you? I'm working on an abduction case."

He sighs.

"Yeah. We did catch him, Jae. But he refuses to talk to anyone but you."

My face pales.

"Me?! But—"

"You'll be okay, Jae. I'll be right behind the glass, alright? If he tries anything I'll be there."

I stand up, walking with him to the interrogation room.

"Is it normal to be scared?"

Drake sighs.

"The man killed almost 34 women in less than 72 hours. I would be."

I let out a sigh as we approach the room, walking inside.

My heart starts racing as I see through the glass, a man who looks to be around my age.

He's young.

How can someone this young do something this terrible?

I release a breath, and my team looks at me.

"You'll do great, Jae. We believe in you. We'll be watching and listening in to make sure nothing happens to you, okay?"

I nod at Cyrus and Drake.


I open the door, walking over to sit in the chair in front of him.

"No sleep again, sweetheart?"

His eyes move to mine from across the table and I get a shock.

Those eyes...

I recognize them.

Do I know him?

I shake myself out of my thoughts, clasping my hands together in front of me.

"Why would you not talk to any of my team members?"

"Avoiding my question. I get it. You're a coward. Just like my father said before you shot him."

My eyebrows furrow and I lean back slightly.

"I'm sorry about that, but it's only my job."

"To shoot people? Ha. Anyone tell you that you have really pretty eyes, Jae?"

I continue to stare at him.

"No. Why did you kill them?! 33 women?! And why did you not hurt that little girl?"

He grins and a chill runs down my spine.

I know that smile.

I've seen it before.

"I don't hurt children. Only the impure ones. She's too little to understand the dangers of this world. Her sister was different. He only told me to kill 33 but I wanted to feel the life drain out of her."

I narrow my eyes slightly.

"How long have you been doing this? Terrorizing people? And who even are you?!"

"One question at a time, sweetie. I can only handle so much popularity."

He is cocky and delusional.

"Then answer them one at a time. Starting with how long you've been terrorizing people."

"Since I was around thirteen, I'd say. It started with animals. Then I killed my brother. He bothered me too much. My father was proud of me. He was proud. But then he beat me up after for being a disappointment. He told me I needed to kill more people. So I did. Do you know what it's like to see your father eating a human stomach?"

My mind flashes to that day two years ago in Harold's house with the human stomach on the plate and I almost vomit.

"No. No I don't. Tell me more about your childhood."

He rolls his eyes.

"Well, woman, the only thing I know is that he was a controlling bastard who made me do his dirty work. Of course those weak women wouldn't suspect a thing from a damn thirteen year old boy. Bet they regretted their decision when I was stabbing them to death. 33 times."

"33 what?"

"I stabbed them 33 times."

A chill runs down my spine and I grimace.

"Why 33? Why that number?"

He shakes his head.

"I'm not telling you."

"Fine. Tell me your name and we'll go from there."

My eyes go wide as the next words escape his mouth.

"Alan Thomas."